I shop at Aldi and Lidl, so I’m buying the raw ingredients for meals rather than the preprepped meals themselves.
I’ll spend my sunday afternoon cooking and meal prepping for the work week.
I shop at Aldi and Lidl, so I’m buying the raw ingredients for meals rather than the preprepped meals themselves.
I’ll spend my sunday afternoon cooking and meal prepping for the work week.
Maybe they just didnt know what electricity was. Maybe it was lumped in with air and/or fire.
If you get kicked out of the military for being trans, run for political office. Any political office, high and low. Primary Republicans and Democrats alike. They’re both a parasite on America.
Maybe instead of blaming Google, Reddit should stop pandering to Nazis and condoning zionists committing genocide.
They made up an email address, claimed it was OPM, then spent an afternoon pretending to be official between that and the fork in the road email.
Isn’t that a crime? Pretending to be a federal agency when you’re not?
As it turns out, having an account on a social media platform full of Nazis, violent racists, and child diddlers is not good for business.
It runs respectably well. I’m not picky, but nothing I’ve seen on the steam deck suggests it’s a gimmick ir anything. It runs just fine.
Surprisingly, my most played game last year was Powerwash Simulator. The game runs on a potato, yet I’m using an expensive steam deck to play it. Like, a lot.
My other games were:
Final Fantasy 14
7 Days to Die
Fallout 4
How can there be checks and balances if the executive branch of government can now override the judicial branch?
Short answer: There can’t be any checks and balances, and that’s the point. The supreme court basically gave Trump cover to do anything and everything he wants so long as he claims it’s a part of his official duties.
It doesn’t have to he true, he only has to claim it so. We’re seeing the end of America.
We were hearing stuff that some Americans socially divide people by their ethnicity. I just wanted to ask online whether this is true and if there could be any concerns
Unfortunately it is true, but it’s not everywhere. Generally speaking, the larger the population of an area, the less likely you’ll experience hostility. Coastal cities with large populations are highly unlikely to give you trouble. Rural aeas with lower populations have a higher chance of giving you trouble.
We even heard things like that in some places they divide people by “skin color” and base different cultures on that (we noticed that people from America even speak and behave differently based on whether they identify as “black” or “white”) and even have schools for primarily people with dark skin or so.
Yes, segregation was a dark chapter in America’s history. Officially, segregation was outlawed, but unofficially it still happens in some areas. Some of the conservative regions are trying to go back to the days of segregation and slavery. They create laws that aren’t specifically racist, but still have that effect.
As to different cultures, we have a lot of them. Most of the country speaks English, but we have a lot of different accents that seem like a different language entirely.
I dont know German, but I would draw a parallel to various English accents in the UK. Irish, Scottish, Cockney, Geordie, and so on.
As to the way white and black people talk, I suspect it has more to do with wealth and social class rather than race. Poor white people and poor black people tend to socially isolate from one another, creating distinct accents. But it’s not uncommon for intermingling.
I have a coworker who grew up in a poor black neighborhood and he has a “black accent” (for lack of a better term). If your only interaction with him is on the phone, it would be easy to assume he’s black.
This is the correct answer.
When it comes to fascism, the rule of law only matters to them when it works in their favor. The rest of the time it’s simply ignored.
I got perma-banned for condemning Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Several mods accused me of being an alt-right neo Nazi MAGA cultist. 🙄
Bro, genocide is bad no matter who is doing it.
Right now we don’t have a left wing party in the US. We have a right wing party, and a right wing fascist party. As much as members of the fascist party love to shit on the Democrats for being leftists, most of them aren’t actually leftist.
These are the correct answers.
Egotistical assholes gain attention more than regular commentators.
Internet culture rewards the loud, obnoxious, and offensive with attention and engagement. Advertisers like attention and engagement, so they financially back the loud, obnoxious, and offensive.
This is why it’s so prevalent on social media.
Tone down social media use and do a little prepping. Learn how to use mylar bags and properly store away rice, beans, lentils, pastas, etc.
Prep as if the internet is going down for a prolonged time, maybe even electricity in general.
You can stress about things after you’ve gotten your shit together for a prolonged emergency.
Understand that this isn’t the end of the world, just the end of the world as we know it. Humans are notoriously lazy and selfish, it will take a worldwide calamity before we get our collective shit together and do what’s right.
The people in charge have failed us for their own selfish interests. There’s nothing else to do except prep and make a better tomorrow.
No, because free speech includes all speech. Even the speech we disagree with.
We don’t technically have free speech in the US either. You can’t make death threats or shout “Fire!” in a crowded movie theater.
A pallet of tissues for when their spouse and entire family disowns them.
A good lawyer to defend them when they lash out and commit various crimes.
A little American flag to wave patriotically as they destroy this country.
A wheelbarrow to carry all of your cash to the grocery store as inflation is about to explode.
Solar panels, compost pile, and an outhouse because basic infrastructure like electricity, plumbing, and waste removal are at risk of budget cuts and mismanagement.
A tutor for the children as education is getting deep cuts soon.
A good therapist to help work through all of that cognitive dissonance.
A bicycle as the price of gas will skyrocket.
A standard dictionary as basic terms and concepts elude them.
A back brace as you’re going to have to pick your own crops from now on.
That sounds too crazy and complicated. The most reasonable answer is that the Democrats are simply impotent and indolent.
Democrats are stuck between a rock and a hard place. They believe that they need money from rich billionares to win elections, but these billionare donors want things in return.
The Democrats also need votes to win elections, yet the demands of the donors are in direct conflict with the demands of the voters.
The Democrats cannot obey both the voters and the rich donors, so Democrats obey their donors and make micro changes toward appeasement of the voters. They make tiny improvements that are severely limited in scope & time, and are easily overturned. Donors are happy, and voters can barely tolerate Democrats.
America can no longer get by on micro changes, as Republicans are making rapid & large sweeping changes that hurt a lot of people. Democrats are now expected to make rapid & large sweeping changes that fix what Republicans broke.
Democrats don’t want to do that, partially because they’re grossly incompetent, and partially because it would go against their rich donors.