This is why blaming conservatives or getting them to admit fault doesn’t work. It only makes them become more defensive and entrenched.
A better approach is to appeal to their victim complex. IE: Instead of “Trump is ruining this country and its your fault for voting for him!” try “Dude, Trump is screwing us! This isn’t the great America we were promised!” or some variation of that. Gotta use different tactics.
Depends on by whom and how long. The US produces a lot of things but also imports a lot of critical goods and materials as well.
If Canada, Mexico, China, and the EU & UK all banded together for sanctions or embargoes? The US economy would be pushing daisies pretty quick. Especially if the actions were coordinated and did not give the US time to react and adjust.
But the countries issuing those actions wouldn’t be in good shape either. Trade wars are a 2-way street.