This is a man who knows how to gling. He is glinging. Yesterday, he _____.
Dyslexic wizzard
Dude was a femboy, and obviously it’s not gay to want to rail a femboy /s
I had to Google what that was
Didn’t know we had a king. I thought we were an autonomous collective.
What in the nine hells is a lizzard blizzard glizzard wizzard?
Like I’ve said elsewhere, I’ve had good results finding pirated media using the Brave search engine. The main downside is that it’s run by Brave, and they are a bunch of cryptobros
I’ve had an easy time finding pirated stuff using the Brave search engine. Main downside is that its run by Brave. Not the best of people imho.
Perchance is free
Yes. But is it moral? Also yes. Will you get sued? Almost certainly not.
It works. Well, it works about as well as your average LLM
AFAIK he was a Democrat at the time. No clue about now. Don’t really want to find out. I’m hoping he took the chill agnostic route but I’m not checking
Actually, no. My justification for my coffee intake was “I need it to focus”. So when covid hit, I was out of a job for 3 months, and there was nothing to focus on. I believe there was about 2 weeks of adjustment, but I was too busy binge-watching all of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure for me to notice the withdrawal symptoms. I didn’t even notice I had stopped drinking until I started running the online campaign from my previous horror story and thought “oh, I need to be able to focus, I should make some coffee”, but when I tried to drink what I had been able to just a few months previously it didn’t taste good anymore and made me feel like I was having a panic attack for 6 hours.
I switched to tea, but stopped that when I moved out of my parents basement. I sometimes drink coffee when I feel I need it, but I go weeks at a time without coffee.
Since Shkshkshk deleted their comment, this is what they said:
I wonder how many of the downvotes are from people who couldn’t make it to the last paragraph because they were too mad at how mean I was being to Pablo and his unregulated ADHD
Thank you! That was very validating to hear. That said, if I said the ADHD was 100% managed now that would be a fucking lie, but I do have actual coping mechanisms that work instead of drinking brain-damage amounts of coffee lol. Progress is progress 🤷♂️
Most of the stuff I highlighted about Phillip were one-off occurances that happened exactly once, but I think any one of the things I mentioned about him should have been my cue to run as far away from the group as possible. On a day-to-day basis, he clearly wanted to do what Jesus would do and be a giving, empathetic, nonjudgmental person who literally gave me the shirt off his back once and metaphorically did so five other times. Which is why I stuck around. 99% of the time he was one of the most stand-up guys I knew, and the remaining 1% of the time he drops a red flag the size of Texas.
I think it’s also important to note that he was surrounded by LGBTQ+ people, and he chose this friend group. We lived in a pretty red part of my state. There’s lots of people in his area who share his worldview, and he’s chosing to hang out with us sinners. Why he did so will forever be beyond me. I think he’s just not being honest with himself, like most people. People aren’t logical critters.
My understanding is that he values civility above everything else, more than authentic personal expression, more than actually being a decent person. I guess nazi + civility-centered worldview = enlightened centrist behavior
Important to note is that he’s holding these horrible beliefs while being surrounded by bisexuals, pansexuals, nonbinary people, underage drinkers and smokers, etc., and presumably he wants to keep those friends. Why, I do not know. People are almost never logical critters. I feel that his autism might be playing a part in this.
Quick explanation of the names:
Dave Arneston co-authored the first edition of D&D. Consensus I’ve heard of him was that he was a passionate DM and a good person overall, but he was not great at following deadlines or making functional product. Gygax used B/X D&D to push him out of the company.
Emmett Roe…well, just Google him
Pablo Pineda was the first european with Down Syndrome to recieve a university degree (B.A. in Educational Psychology) and is also an award-winning actor.
Henry Cavendish was the natural philosopher who discovered hydrogen. He is commonly believed to be super autistic. Wikipedia says “He could speak to only one person at a time, and only if the person were known to him and male . . . He communicated with his female servants only by notes. By one account, Cavendish had a back staircase added to his house to avoid encountering his housekeeper, because he was especially shy of women.”
Amy Winehouse: I googled “celebrities that were disasters” and her name popped up. She died at 27 due to alcohol poisoning.
Theresa Barkley was a 19th century English dominatrix. I went down a list of historical dominatrixes and filtered out the ones known for positive personality traits, and she was what was left. She was best known for Inventing the Berkley Horse, a BDSM apparatus used to position the sub in an appropriately floggable position.
I think the core of the problem is that back in the bad old days, things needed to be tuned up a bit before they would work right and there was a marked lack of standardization. Now, not only do our devices work right out of the box, bit they also have little quality of life stuff as well. I haven’t bought a battery-powered device in years that wasn’t partially charged when I got it, and most devices come preinstalled with all the basic utility apps.
If your Switch is the one in the picture, I dont think jailbreaking it is going to do much for you.