Dude still thinks he’s on Reddit smh
Dude still thinks he’s on Reddit smh
“can barely get sleep right.”
HOLY YES. I have a Mac for personal use but my work issued laptop is a PC. I’m used to just closing the screen on my Mac and it’s asleep. Battery will hold indefinitely. My work one NEVER goes to sleep correctly. If I don’t completely shut it down it will 100% be dead the next day. Obviously there’s a wide range of PC laptops and not all of them are like that, but it’s the little things like this that drive me insane about PC.
Prices on so many of these mega tech companies (DoorDash, UBER, etc.) have been kept artificially low for years by basically unlimited amount of venture capital.
They’re following the Walmart model- keep prices stupid low to establish dominance and drive out any competitor. Once there’s nobody left to compete you can jack up the prices to -hopefully- recoup your investment.
Great for the consumers at first… until their bills come due. Then we get massively screwed over. A tale as old as time…