Are you on drugs? What was that nonsense.
Are you on drugs? What was that nonsense.
The Pro-Russia, pro-China posts are enough to make me raise an eyebrow and keep my mouth shut when a mod comes around.
Just following orders so you can get content?
They’re not in the early stages of socialism, they’re in the end stages of state-capitalism.
From my experience and the majority of Lemmy’s, they’re tankies.
The only people I really seeing anarchists/communists are places like db0.
I couldn’t even imagine what even dumber Americans would look like.
As risky as backing genocide?
Drones are regulated? This was clearly illegal.
I think we all know why American Media would side with genocide.
Israel is the most anti-Semitic country around isn’t it? Jews world wide have never been so unsafe in a long time and it’s all Israel’s fault.
They’ve even made the word antisemitic lose all meaning by using it against any criticism of the state.
And people willingly voted for the Dems?
We don’t need “professional” creators.
And none of them should.
That’s a moment in history, we should all be able to look back at history without a paywall.
So don’t make your career locking away human creativity from others. The idea that culture is now monetized is a huge problem for our species.
Wow why are you so hateful, can’t you love these fine people?
They had so many dogs left to kill, taken before their prime.
Pulpy and full of ink.
Well that’s probably because you’re a tankie yourself judging from how hard you defend those wannabe fash.