Bro the quote is from a nazi car OWNER not the critics, the OWNER of nazi car is doing the projecting. You clearly dont understand that even after multiple people have pointed it out and thats why youre getting flamed. Lick your wounds and move on.
Bro the quote is from a nazi car OWNER not the critics, the OWNER of nazi car is doing the projecting. You clearly dont understand that even after multiple people have pointed it out and thats why youre getting flamed. Lick your wounds and move on.
Hyper capitalists love to talk about incentives in a free market… how about you fucking pony up the incentives you thin-lipped small dick bastard
Lol Microsoft really using their browser market share effectively
Its never been a better time to ignore reddit
In short:
If the rich loan you money with interest (banks being the intermediary) they can make money by taking a percentage of the value you produce while also keeping consumer goods flowing. Its already been happening for decades and is how the super rich are able to exist for decades to come.
The line will infinitely approach 0 but never get there. That is what credit is for. The rich will gladly let you borrow their vast wealth to buy the cars and the homes, and in exchange you will be their indentured servant for life. Win Win, economy go brrrrrrr…
Games a fun Lunar Lander-like but its too easy. I got up to 15 Liters of poo and just held the button down. Could be an interesting challenge if the screen didnt scroll back down and you had to get the powerups before you pass them
Stop struggling and accept that lots of people are ok with advocating violence against evil people.
I consider myself an introvert, and I had to work hard to build that social muscle. Once its built though, you dont have to work as hard to maintain it, and people become less draining. Is it fair that extroverts dont have to work as hard to do this? No. But you have advantages they dont. It sounds like you need to either find a career where you dont need to work in a team (unlikely) or develop your social skills.
You’re right in one sense; the community is small and can have an echo chamber effect like any “small village.” But you can also try other instances, or other Fediverse things or start your own. It goes like this; Reddit had success because they served you interesting things on a silver platter, using extensive venture capital to make it as slick and addictive and popular as possible. Lemmy is not built on capital, at least not on the same scale as Reddit; it is built on labor. You gotta decide what your ideal is.
If you eat it regularly then you become accustomed to it, but when you stop for awhile it no longer appeals
Well its a white person this time, so maybe people will actually give a shit
All life is sacred, except when its not
I agree with Mr. Torvalds
Nah man, Social Media Companies are at an evil genius level of greed. They are the ones creating the feeling of consuming a “digital weed,” as you call it. Blaming the users is tantamount to saying the world is polluted because people love cars, as if the oil and gas lobby isn’t cultivating that and profiting massively off of it.
This is the same guy who gave Epstein his mansion right?
welcome to high school debate class, where we think about issues with more nuance than most politicians.
Wow what a prick. Is that simple enough for you?