This is not to be confused with the application called “OneNote”, that’s staying.
You can always trust Microsoft to make two version of the same application and to have really bad naming.
This is not to be confused with the application called “OneNote”, that’s staying.
You can always trust Microsoft to make two version of the same application and to have really bad naming.
In hindsight, I wrote that line after seeing some code on Github that I thought was for ActivityPub, but when I went back to it later I realised it was for Mastodon.
It’s a bit confusing because each action on the Fediverse uses the same universal language, but each service translates that language into their own specific rolls for their service.
Lemmy upvotes use “Like” which is common language in ActivityPub but down votes use “Dislike” which is not* also used in the ActivityPub language. It’s up to the other services how they interpret that. Mastodon favourites use “Like” but it has nothing for “Dislike”. Mastodon boost uses “Announce” which is what Lemmy uses for posts and comments to a community.
There are also some actions that use the ActivityPub language on both services but one simply just doesn’t send that action to the other service. Mastodon users can follow Lemmy users but Lemmy users cannot follow any users. I think Mbin does allow following users.
From the Lemmy ActivityPub documentation
An upvote for a post or comment send an ActivityPub Like action
Users can send posts or comments to a community which the community forwards to its followers in the form of Announce.
From the Mastodon ActivityPub Documentation
ActivityPub Like is transformed into a Favourite.
ActivityPub Announce is transformed into a boost on a status
If there’s anyone who has any valuable input about multiple accounts, it’s this guy.
We’re just poking for a bit of fun. The Free and Open Source rabbit hole goes very deep. For example, Intel and AMD processors have code on them that isn’t free meaning the purists will not use them unmodified.
Everyone has a threshold where privacy and freedom interfere with convenience, just stick with the level you’re comfortable with.
I was expecting something like version 0.112 but this is pretty close.
Why cross-post to the same community this was already posted to?
I really don’t understand this compulsion people have to publicly announce their political support.
Like, this guy could have just said nothing, literally just not do anything, and he’d be better off.
When I select the speaker in Music Assistant and play a song, the player shows up with all of the details but it’s just paused.
When I press the play button in MA, nothing happens. Not even an error.
If I press play on the speaker, the last song that was playing before I selected a song in MA starts playing. The player will show my selected track as playing but it’s the previous song coming out of the speaker. I can pause the song from MA but I cannot resume. If I resume it from the speaker, the MA player updates to the song that was previously playing and then I cannot control the speaker from MA.
Yeah. I did see in the docs that there can be issues with Unifi networks, which I have, or with special setups but I did try a few of the settings it mentioned with no luck.
The only thing “special” with my network is I’m using a 10.x.x.x/8 subnet mask. The part that confuses me is the speakers are added with no issue.
I haven’t had any luck with Music Assistant and my Sonos speakers. :(
I can add and select the speakers, select a track, everything seems to work right up to the point of actually playing music. It just stays paused and never switches to playing, no errors either.
If you’re more into making your own circuit boards, there’s a project that provides open schematics for RatGDO that uses the same ESPhome firmware.
JLCPCB had a sale on PCB assembly and I was able to order 5 boards assembled and ready to go for about $25. I already had the ESP microcontrollers, just had to add three wires, flash the controller, and solder it to the board.
It unlocked so much more control over the MyQ integration. It actually showed me how much of a joke the MyQ app is considering how much more can be done with $10 worth of parts and code that random people on the internet made.
I think the healthcare system in my part of Canada has really been going to shit. ER wait times are ridiculous but I think a large part is from a lack of family doctors.
Instead of the general practitioners seeing people, people are just going to the ER for the most basic thing, but we don’t really have another choice. But I still haven’t experienced any issues with insurance coverage.
“They’ve made him a martyr for all the troubles people have had with their own insurance companies,” said Rodriguez “I mean, who hasn’t had run-ins with their insurance? But he’s a stone-cold killer.”
Most of the developed world outside of America.
From the video, it sounded like they searched his residence and found it there.
Health insurance is a big industry
Yes, that’s the issue. That’s the part you need to understand.
MusicBrainz Picard is a software for tagging and organising music. It can apply the tags directly to the file and then move them into a folders like Music\Album\01-Song.mp3
An easy way to spot duplicates at that point is search for any songs that have (1) or (2) and so on in the file name.
Then you can use basically any music player to sort by title to check for duplicates, too.
For MP3 files, synced lyrics are embedded in the SYLT tag. Unfortunately, not many music players support this across platforms.
That could be the case. I used ffprobe to see the tags and figured it would just display the tags it sees. I’ll look more into it.
Yes, there was Teams (classic) and Teams (new. There’s also Outlook (new) and Outlook (classic).
There was the Snipping Tool and Snip & Sketch, it even said they were getting rid of Shipping Tool, but then they got rid of Snip & Sketch instead but the function of Snipping Tools is the same as Snip & Sketch.