Its certainly interesting, but its ultimately going to be wherever we collectively decide.
One thing modern ML advancements have made painfully clear is that something being the “same” is variable based on what definition you use to determine sameness. Is it the same crew, same look, same feel, same atoms, same purpose, same name, etc… In the absence of such definition, everything ceases to be the same the moment after it has been described. As every single thing is constantly changing.
Living things naturally generalize similarities, relationships, and associations into patterns that are re-used and abstracted. So we very much take these things for granted.
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It would certainly be nice to have more Linux and open source projects, but that doesn’t seem to be this projects goal. I suspect that there’s a market for not always online adobe style products, even with piracy I’m sure the money is a lot better than donations. Also could you share what your definition of commercial elitism is?