“but… it shouldn’t have affected ME, you know?”
“but… it shouldn’t have affected ME, you know?”
My god, what’s next, the most triumphant return of Geocities, replete with blinking text, construction signs and visitor counter?
Yeah okay, good luck with that. Just make sure there’s cameras around, because the documentary about the first one was quite entertaining.
Nazi Musk does nazi things.
Rule of Acquisition #17: A contract is a contract is a contract… but only between Ferengi.
The answer is: they do not give a shit.
They do not care about the US as a country.
They do not care about the Americans as a people.
They do not care about the economy.
They do not care about anything apart from their own personal interest. Lining their own pockets is all they care about. If someone helps them do that, they are friends with them. If they don’t, they do not matter.
Congratulations, you now officially live in a cleptocracy where they shake you down, take all of your money and give it to the guys who already have billions. All the taxes they claim to save by obliterating social security, affordable care etc? They are not going back to you, they will stuff them in Musk’s pockets through bullshit contracts and other schemes.
And at the same time, they are critically crippling the IRS to make sure the billionairs no longer even have to pretend to pay taxes.
So, please remind me again. You have this ammendmend to your constitution that allows you to “bear firearms” of any kind, even guns usually only used in wars, for the sole and explicit purpose of being able to defend against tyranny.
So that’s going down now, King Shitty Pants the first is about to take over completly as dictator supreme. What is your next move now, American people?
You really think people like him have to “roll over” for that?
They do. They need the cheap labour!
There is no such thing as billionaire philantropy - if you examine it closely, it’s just another scam to avoid paying taxes. Bill Gates is as much a philantropist as I am a billionaire.
If their aim is to kill as many Americans as possible, they are doing a superb job. By that metric, Trump is the best president of all times.
BIDEN put the WINDMILLS in REVERSE… and that blew the copter against the plane. SAD.
I am confused: why should Texas be rewarded with dick-meat? Should they not rather eat excrement?
“We just want a change, a change in the weather,” a retired aluminium worker wanting to go just by his first name, Paul, said as he sat with a group of friends in a cigarette shop in Struthers, a down-at-heel overwhelmingly white Youngstown suburb once known for its thick clusters of bars, pizza parlours, strip clubs and illegal gambling joints.
Oh, change you’ll get. Even less health care, workers rights and job protection. Poisoned air, water, and salted earth. Weather events like you couldn’t imagine. Not to mention the fact that you may lose people in your life, members of your family or people you know thanks to the republican hate campaign.
Guess you get what you fucking deserve. Too bad about everyone else though.
Zuckerberg? I 'ardly know 'er!
He’s got parallel New York state and federal charges going at the same time. Under double jeopardy rules, those are two separate cases, and if he wins one, he can still lose the other.
And if he is acquitted on both, perhaps they will invent “continental murder”, “planetary murder” or “solar system murder”. Or he just takes his own life while in prison, that is something that happens.
Wasn’t that more of a “make money fast” scheme though?