Did you forget he was presented with charges and the opportunity to defend himself before Trump ordered the case dismissed?
Did you forget he was presented with charges and the opportunity to defend himself before Trump ordered the case dismissed?
In NYC mayors can’t be impeached. The only legal way to remove a mayor in NY is by action of the govorner. You keep acting like we are calling for imprisonment here, but this is literally the correct legal process to remove a corrupt mayor. By not removing him, the govorner is acting against the rule of law you seem to be so concerned about. It is more authoritarian to think he deserves to stay mayor despite betraying his people.
And who exactly denied him the right to defend himself? IIRC it was Trump that ordered these charges to be dropped, and who knows what Adams got in return. It’s not like people are asking the NY govorner to send him to prison. He is a civil servant and there is a legal process already in place to remove corrupt mayors that is not being followed. Why are you licking the boots of the oligarchs so hard?
Is the law being more closely followed by letting him remain in office despite taking bribes? I suppose in your opinion Trump is perfectly fine to do whatever he wants now that the “rule of law” says that he can.
no matter how compelling the evidence is.
That’s where we disagree. If there’s plenty of evidence then we can’t always wait on our justice system where the rich and powerful can use their resources to stall almost indefinitely. In this case, he will likely serve the remainder of his term without any repercussions.
Yes? Don’t you think Trump should have been removed from office in his first term?
Yes, because if there’s anything the last 10 years of politics has taught us is that the Democrats need to care more about precedent than holding elected officials accountable
I work at a bank and it’s mind boggling how often I encounter systems very similar to this. A signed PDF isn’t good enough but send it via fax and suddenly it’s secure 🙄
Heavy subsidies to our own industry are definitely a better alternative, but our politicians would rather cry “China bad” and further line the pockets of our ruling class
This lawsuit is specifically about them breaking California law, so it still isn’t simple enough I suppose
Or even better, movies actually dedicated to telling stories about underrepresented cultures such as The Woman King
Why are you defending a pedophile so hard in this thread?? He didn’t even serve his full sentence since he was pulled out of the UK early. What we want from him is an apology for what he did, but it doesn’t look like we will ever get that since he is now playing victim as the rapist. Maybe if he actually served his full sentence things would be a little different, but he got a small slap on the wrist for one of the worst crimes someone can commit. He should never have been sent to the Olympics as a representative of the Netherlands.
If you don’t use it then how is it a big deal if it’s monitored?
Does it say a trial must be completed for him to be removed? Or does it say he must be presented with charges?