Realistically if you have that ratio of errors to lines of code, you probably just fucked up a semicolon or braces.
Now if you have like 13 errors and they’re all unrelated, woof.
A big part of my job is API integrations. The most infuriating one I deal with is a startup who keeps adding new properties with property names randomly being pascal case, camel case, or snake case. Especially when the same property is one case on a request model and different on the response.
You have to put a quarter in the ambulance before it will drive you to the hospital
I understand. It was a joke poking fun at those who really think that way. Thank you for helping people.
Have you tried not being poor?
The best Git Commit message I’ve ever seen was for like 35 files and a few hundred lines and it just said “Please work”
Haha I’m saving this image
I’m curious how many of those 7/10 think it’s a good thing
Yeah everyone knows HTML is an STD
I used to own a Subaru Forester in Ohio. I sold it to a lesbian who was moving to CO. Felt like I was giving it a better home