How much you want to bet that ICE tries to raid one of these meetings?
How much you want to bet that ICE tries to raid one of these meetings?
Claim is also a later step in the process. The first step is prior authorization. So they could deny the prior auth that leads to work not being done which leads to no claim to count as a denial. Or a patient doesn’t submit the claim because it had a denied prior auth, so again no denied claim. 90% on claims is a terrible percentage.
Is there any chance the buzzing is actually from what you have the PSU plugged into? I think ive had a surge protector that have a buzzing without anything drawing power that went away once something was consuming power.
Those commercials are about to stop interesting enough. They were only able to be on market due to the main drugs being in a shortage, which allows special pharmacies (compounders) to make knock off versions without going through the whole process the main drug did and bypassing patents.
The main drugs are now no longer in shortage, so in a few months, these compounders will not be allowed to sell those drugs.
My understanding too is that these pills work alongside lifestyle changes. They make it a bit easier to make the lifestyle changes in part by helping control appetite. But if you don’t implement the lifestyle changes while taking them, you’ll just put the weight back on when you stop.
This comment is from a random guy on the internet familiar with some patient support programs that help people on these meds make those changes, so I would love corrected if I’m understanding this wrong.
His model actually accounts for whether polls were taken before or after an event, and raises and lowers their impact and error margin based on that. Right up to the debate, his model was giving Kamala a <30% chance and it’s only the inclusion of new polls since the debate that have moved her to 50%.
In this particular case, OP said none of the others met their needs. I would like to know what new functionality this one has to know if it’s something I’m interested in or not. It’s not a critique - it’s helping me understand if I want to check it out or not.
I mean, that makes me even more skeptical. 108 volunteers tracked for that many sparesely populated vectors is 100% going to have hundreds of false positives just due to statistical noise.
Just got a steam deck and love it. I also got the official dock and can’t believe how bad it is. I have to unplug it and my TV half the time to get the dock to connect correctly. It works fine for a few days, then stops. I’ve had picture issues and audio issues and even issues with the deck right after disconnecting it.
Just got one too! I tried right at launch time, eventually got locked out for too many purchase attempts while their servers were failing and had to go back to work. On whim, tried again 15 minutes ago and was able to get one shipping in 2~4 weeks. Soooo happy!
This isn’t unusual for Enterprise grade IT hardware. Mainframes have been sold/licensed that way for decades. I recently dealt with a performance issue that we solved by buying a license to use more of a piece of hardware that was already in our data center (we didn’t realize the piece we owned had twice the capacity that could be unlocked just through licensing till we engaged the vendor)
Their underperformance is a higher savings/investing rate that leads to a greater wealth disparity long term. This is why redistribution (through taxes or other means) is so importantly to balance the scales.
But as other commenter’s have pointed out, my target would be billionaires not doctors and lawyers.