gooning session
gooning session
i cant access my laptops bios anymore tho after installing pop os
Bit of a detour but Companies need to realise that AI needs to work FAST and have access to ALL the periphery that is available to the user to effectively put itself in our situation. This requires insane trust. This and the fastness aspect requires AIs to work offline only.
me waiting for browser news 👀
yea my dad would not survive not having adblock on his evenly youtube sessions XD
Mobile game ads are the worst now. I could not turn ads on and watch with others because its soo bad.
Youtube be like: “Theyre the same people”
Only spoiled children would say something like that
*yippies in image processing degree
Dear madam/sir
I dont trust googel. take me seriously.
yours, Willer
I think its called “redundancy L”
Samsung provide me thermal energy pls
Nice opinion, unfortunately…
“This is human text”
what is blud wafflin about
Bluds read one article and shit their pants.
Tehee you fool. I was never standardised to begin with.
oh thank you i will try