If anything modern day santa is more of an invention of Coca-Cola than Christianity or Paganism.
If anything modern day santa is more of an invention of Coca-Cola than Christianity or Paganism.
This feels like when my brother backed up a file with Onedrive, then figured he could delete the original… the one that Onedrive was keeping track of.
It’s not that these aren’t confusing, but why risk your file without testing what the software will do first? Especially before hitting anything like “delete” or “discard”?
I ask it for help when I’m unfamiliar with a library/language or if I’m getting complex errors.
But I always type out the code myself, making sure I’m reading each line and understanding what’s happening.
Even for boilerplate if you just let the ai go at it, it’ll generate a Frankenstein boilerplate of an outdated standard.
If he was that competent why would he resort to openly pumping and dumping meme coins in public just prior to this stunt.
He has some dangerous strings he can pull, but that doesn’t make him a good puppet master.
Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure he gave an outlandish bid for Twitter to manipulate it’s stock prices when he pulled put, but he was sued into following through.
I don’t think he ever wanted to buy it, or at least he wanted to crash it’s value to come back and buy it on the cheap.
From a game theory perspective, a trumper discouraged to vote is worth 1 vote, a flipped Republican vote is worth 2 votes.
So the appeal to the right makes sense if it works, because every vote from that camp is also a negative vote from Trump.
I have the hope that she’ll end up being more progressive after votes are counted.
Partially because she has Walz which is a good sign, but mostly I’m hoping for hopes sake. 🤞
When you want to be like Putin so badly you adopt his leadership style:
The people can, but companies still need some kind of income to exist. The owners/ceos will just golden parachute away from the corpse
In order to tangibly pay employees/rent/servers a company needs either profits, subsidies, or a ponzi scheme inflated stocks.
We also “knew” a bunch of other theories at the time, like his twitter implied it was Epstein related (I think, whole thing was murky).
This is more or less confirming a singular theory. Looks like he just did it because he believed he could. Maybe for legacy or infamy or just general importance.
The irony is that the assassination attempt itself has basically become irrelevant. The Vance couch meme currently has a bigger impact than this.
Eeeeeh maybe not “CP settings”…
Theoretically we could slow down training and coast on fine-tuning existing models. Once the AI’s trained they don’t take that much energy to run.
Everyone was racing towards “bigger is better” because it worked up to GPT4, but word on the street is that raw training is giving diminishing returns so the massive spending on compute is just a waste now.
But if you break apart Google, how will they afford to keep killing off their own services!?!
Ring ding ding, winner!
The most immaculate well researched pickles ever seen.
But I’m getting bored, I should learn how to write, or maybe draw, or maybe dance.
No I got it, I’ll shift my focus to an obscure Github program I’m using to test a weird thought I had!
I’ll finish this burger later…
As a Gen-Z, I feel this divide is the result of our gen growing up on the internet and Gen-Alpha growing up in the internet. Like culturally I feel Gen-Z still had roots to reality hidden behind layers of absurdism and abstraction. Gen-Alpha however feels like it’s generating new cultural landmarks with no connections to reality.
Like, skibidi was absurdist humor, which is now being covered by absurdist layers. It’s absurdism all the way down! It’s like some twisted form of enlightenment. To clarify I don’t say this in a necessarily negative light, I just think it’s interesting from the viewpoint of our species as a whole.
I know Gen-Z was experiencing a stage of wanting to assert real connections to the world against algorithmic forces, before covid that is, now I think we’re a little scattered again.
My brother honestly wants to get rid of divorce so that people will “take the commitment more seriously”.
He said this after his fiancee left for another guy. Hilarious at first glance, mortifying when you realize what he actually wanted to happen based on what he said.
What resonated with me is people calling LLMs and Stable Diffusion “copyright laundering”. If copyright ever swung in AI’s favor it would be super easy to train an AI on stuff you want to steal, add in some generic training, and now you have a “new” piece of art.
LLMs and Stable Diffusion are just compression algorithms for abstract patterns, only one level above data.
Huh, didn’t know that! I mainly mentioned it for the fact that it was crammed into products that didn’t need it, like fridges and toasters where it’s usually seen as superfluous, much like AI.
The official hosting of it has censorship applied after the answer is generated, but from what I heard the locally run version has no censorship even though they could have theoretically trained it to.