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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2024


  • All you have to know is that when Twitch banned Gambling Streams, and some of the people who made bank on those streams started to complain about Twitch, a couple of guys behind large gambling sites decided to open their own streaming platform called “Kick” that gives a much better cut of advertising and allowed gambling streams, and got allot of bottom of the barrel (but not all of them) streamers, especially the ones who have been banned off of other services but were popular.

    Supposedly they have been getting better with their enforcement, and started getting better detection, but then their is all the stuff that comes with gambling too.

  • Well that is because Brave has been doing it longer, and Vivaldi only has about 30 devs across all the platforms, which is a fraction of Brave, although Brave has its issues as well, just not in the adblock department. I have found that if you use the uBlock block lists it is most of the way there, but it is not ready yet and I think that Vivaldi will have to consider picking up some dedicated devs. Also it is a ‘Vivaldi Thing’ to launch things piece mail and get those pieces working fully before adding on the rest of it. Then over time it gets good. But Vivaldi has come a LONG way when it comes to aggressive adblock detection.

    That being said right now YouTube is detecting it and it is dumping the most manpower and money into this. When it does work you can pretty much use it across the web and the few cases that it doesn’t work usually OK just to pause it for a while and you won’t get too many ads.

    However if Mv3 comes out and they haven’t gotten their act together I am going to Firefox or Brave, as much as I don’t like how they do business. Then there will be the Google Search thing running through the courts and we will see how Fx and Br come out and change their model.

  • Not Lying. The vast amount of the stories of people trapped in their Tesla when they loose power are drivers and are alone. So this is what the manual says the person who is in that situation has to do to get out of the car. You showed the Back Seat. This is what they have to do in the front seat.

    They have to throw a simple latch. Worst case if you run out of power, say pulling into a charging area because the last one you planned on using was down and you had to make it on a very low charge, and the people in the back did not know about the pulley system they would have to either get out of one of the front doors or wait in the vehicle for help.

  • You mean it is too complicate to open a door handle? You do know those news stories about people getting trapped in their Teslas had to be taken down because you can just open the door, the people who were trapped weren’t only stupid, they were locked in a vehicle with the manual that told them how to get out of the car and they never looked at it.

    1. The ‘central computer’ doesn’t control the car’s controls. It is made to come to sudden stop if it fails and the person can still steer.
    2. The doors have manual overrides that defeat the locks and open the doors. People who have been “trapped in their Tesla” when it lost power haven’t even looked at the manual. Every door and hood has a way to open it from the inside and there is even a way to emergency release the charger if you have to.
    3. Ever single issue is as much an issue for ICE cars as EV’s. Bullet resistant windows on most cars are a risk, however some teslas have an override for their power windows. ICE cars have been hacked and taken control of through the computer in their entertainment system, that like a Tesla, actually is the main computer system for their car. ICE cars have Electric door locks as well.
      If the accident was powerful enough to rupture the battery with the metal signposts, it could also open up the gas tank and set it on fire as the car was going in excess of 65.

  • Hmmm I wonder if a vehicle filled with flammable explodey-gas who just drove over 2 metal signs at high speed would be on fire as well? Would it have gotten the attention that this vehicle had, given that ICE cars burn many times more often than EV’s do.

    It is a tragedy and should be investigated but these articles have to get off the “It’s new so it’s bad” bandwagon until the investigators come in. It could have been a flat tire at high speeds that sent the car onto that shoulder and over those signs. There is uneven wear on the tires so on the outside of Regenerative Breaking EV’s tires look almost new on the outside but trashed on the inside. If it blew because of that, or some nail on the road then there is no fault on Tesla and the man-boy who runs it. If however say steering went or the airbag randomly went off when the car was at speed my least favourite Martian and Tesla would be culpable.

    Until then turn the sensationalism on your stories down to 11.