Agree 100%. Most of the former Plex users turned Jellyfin users I have come across did so better Plex was broken in some way for them. For me it was the general lack of care in creating/maintaining a good Apple TV app. Over the past few years it’s just gotten buggier and buggier with a lot of complaints on the Plex forums where devs would essentially stop by to say they weren’t working on any fixes.
Jellyfin doesn’t fix 100% of the issues, but at least there is active development on Swiftfin that showed a desire to fully support all devices.
I take it you don’t know much of what the federal government actually does or how many of those things benefit you both directly and indirectly.
I won’t argue that the federal government is anywhere close to as efficient as it could be, or that there aren’t bad/lazy workers. But to just make a sweeping generalization shows real ignorance to why so much of these services are truly critical to why the US has been a world power, with a secure, comfortable populace compared to what it will be if those services are cut.