I’m literally less than a decade old and only own a phone and a shitty HP laptop
I’m literally less than a decade old and only own a phone and a shitty HP laptop
Cambridge Analytica. Not only did they influence the elections and general political attitude of the Philippines, it also affected US elections as well. I think there was a genocide that was caused by targeted campaigns too, not sure where it happened, though.
Content for the sake of content is pretty bad too, so don’t force yourself. Conversely, you also don’t have to force yourself to be silent (which other people and I felt on Reddit).
Content for the sake of content is pretty bad too, so don’t force yourself. Conversely, you also don’t have to force yourself to be silent (which other people and I felt on Reddit).
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embrace,_extend,_and_extinguish you may also be interested in the story of XMPP
And with different purposes and contributions