I have a suspicion that a mother who named their daughter Heaven backwards might have agreed with the Republicans up until the time it affected her daughter.
I have a suspicion that a mother who named their daughter Heaven backwards might have agreed with the Republicans up until the time it affected her daughter.
This is super common in most other English speaking countries and has been for years. Well before the culture wars.
Thank you
Did you have to submit a new picture or did they reuse your old one? Mine is coming due in 6 months.
My last 30 year mortgage was at 2.375. I have since sold that home and never plan on buying in the US again.
Being able to use TikTok on your phone doesn’t make you tach savvy. They don’t know anything about how it all works. It’s a false dichotomy.
I find that the people who spout so much about passing on their genes, or passing on their legacy or keeping the bloodline going. Are the people who you would least like to see pass on their genes. I find it to be the height of narcissism.
What about “I just don’t want one.” is that not a legitimate line of thought? That was what I based my decision on. I have never understood why the default state was marriage and then have a family. I can tell you that me and my childless wife are family.
I live in Pentagon City VA, I’m not surviving shit. ☺
What odd phrasing for “wins”.
It blocks in line ads and trackers, that’s why I have been using it.
I do turn off all the rewards and other BS in the browser, but I will look into Firefox and uBlock. Thank you.
I have been using Brave as my browser for years, I have never once seen an ad on YouTube. Nor have I ever had any of the issues that have been reported with people using ad blockers.
Great information, thank you.
Too bad we can’t root our Alexa equipment and use them.
Thank you so much for your detailed answer. This is going to be something I take a real look at.
Is there good app support for Home Assistant? Like a one stop shop or is it spread over the apps of the various pieces of equipment?
Are you using microphones or is it entirely app based? And if so what microphones are you using?
I guess it would be too easy to just have Plug and Play option. 🤷 I am technically inclined but I don’t want to spend a ton of time recreating the wheel.
It backwards because they think it’s clever.