I agree with you, but you named the two of the shittiest people on earth.
I agree with you, but you named the two of the shittiest people on earth.
I’ve said almost the exact thing no less than ten times in this thread, using way too many words.
🤘 Fuck yeah!
No, they learned plenty. Look up Peter thiel’s bullshit. They thought they could profit from dissolving our country. I’m fucking loving this personally. I hope they actually cancel social security. It will burn the entirety of the “Republican” party (using quotation marks because they are furthest thing from, like the “Democratic Republic of…”)
Let it all burn. This country voted for acceleration, so it deserves it!
And reloaded
Don’t bother blaming trans athletes. The culture war is only a means to an end. They couldn’t give less of a fuck about sports.
No, he’s delivering everything Peter thiel wanted. He is literally destroying the United(emphasis on that previous word) states.
Rich fucks don’t like us being able to survive.
I’d go a step further and say Tolkien would (banned by Reddit) these fuckers.
Yup, they got what they supported. May not be what they wanted, but after seeing Jack royally fuck HBO, I’m convinced rich people are just stupid and born into wealth. I have witnessed not one single rich person earn fucking shit!
Fuck this comment hits hard!
With people like Peter thiel running this god damned industry, who also bankrolled trump, I feel no sympathy!
Fuck em all! You got what you thought you wanted!
Funny how it only bothers them when their wallet is affected…
Bro, as someone living here I hope you’re wrong. Sadly though, reality doesn’t match up with my dreams.
I don’t think being a shitty person is a uniquely American thing. See “brexit” for more info.
Maybe some “no true Scotsman” bullshit but it was an honest response.
This feels like some right wing bs.
Here’s an honest response.
Grew up in South Florida. Shit was pretty liberal back then. Moved to a much more “conservative” state and found the same brain drain happening. At first it was fairly liberal, but has become less so.
Maybe we deserve it. Maybe we don’t.
The one thing I know is not to rely on your fellow human to do what is right.
The only answer for a bad ungulate with brass knuckles is … Alright, I got nothing here
Literally seen a news report on this and one parent of a child that died said it was all good cause at least his kid wasn’t autistic. These people are straight evil.
Yeah. Can’t argue with that logic. But of all the available examples to choose from, why choose those two?