Lemmings are real ? I thought it was video-game characters
Lemmings are real ? I thought it was video-game characters
With my limited experience, (Free flight and powered ultra-light), in most cases it’s a genuine mistake, either because you’re not familiar with where you are, badly estimated the drift due to the wind, mixed two landmarks, and ended-up in a restricted airspace (Even a simple free flight GPS would solve these issues) or, for commercial flight under ATC supervision you mixed up frequencies and didn’t replied to the radio for a while.
An important thing is check whether the plane is OK not replying to ATC may-also mean that you have a fire on board and loss electrical system, or are already burning on the ground (I believe fighter jet were scrambled for the Air-Berlin suicide/mass murder but by the time they were on site, the plane was already on the ground) and most likely capture an image from the cockpit which may be used for further legal developments.
Then in principle, to get your pilots licence, even for an ultra-light you’re expected to know that if a fighter jet rock their wings near you it means follow me_
This is IMO the most awful stuff in these economy,
You have a couple of actors/singers who earn insane amount of money.
Then you have a large chunk who by mixing teaching, local theatre/bars, and some extra, get from a living wage, to a well-paid job.
And finally you have a majority who struggle.
All of that mostly based on being at the right place at the right time, and having the right friends
Which language do you speak? While many employer, especially in qualified field not working with public may accommodate English speakers, it’s not as universal as you may think.
In qualified job, expect a loss of salary, well a part of it is covered by healthcare, daycare, school and more but at least at my work rk US laboar is more expensive when budgeting projects
You’re an immigrant, expect to deal with all the associated bullshit
It’s not like we don’t have our share of far right politicians who hate everyone including themselve
No idea on how bad it is,
From my understanding regarding French cops, A big issue is that the ranking at the end of training defines who choose their position first. Guess what happens : The cop who thrived in training will either go to a nice medium town in southern France to get a steady a job without too much stress, or take an interesting job in prestigious unit like crime-brigade (which would kickstart the rest of their carrer), while the one who barely passed end-up in a bad neighbourhood, resulting in high crime/bad neighbourhood end up with the worst cop of the country while the place who don’t need much cops get the best ones.
Government services aren’t company, and some do develop technology, place like US national institute of Health, or US NASA, or US department of Energy come to my mind, but any first world nation would have tons of similar things. As usual doesn’t mean there is no bullshit to deal with (You know the saying about reserarcher main job is to look for fundings)
Then there is FOSS sofware some of them being managed by non profit who can afford to pay their developers
finally, there is a whole non profit/charity/coop part of the economy, and considering the weigh of technology, you may have some jobs linked to technology. (But managing let’s say the “red cross ERP” sounds as awful as managing any other corporate ERP)
As usual, weight is driven by Calorie in - Calorie out. If it’s positive you gain weight, if it’s negative you loose weigt.
Your brother is a tall, young male, all of that would point toward a relatively high calorie out also without knowing him in details it’s hard to evaluate. There is always that person taking desert twice when out, but skipping lunch on regular day while doing a lot of sport.
Then comes the part LOL is a popular and well known brand, so doing something even remotely linked to it will drag an audience. Remember how the World war Z movie ignored the books but paid licencing fee for the title (and the associated _brand recognition)
You can make a movie/serie out of any content, and LOL was (is ?) pretty popular. Yes OK may-be a farming simulator the serie won’t be that great. But if you have some basic setting, and some factions competing for power you can develop in any direction
No idea how law works where you are. But having a folding table might require some different licencing compared to just standing up and giving pamphlet which in democratic countries is a right.
Define “server”…
Every PC can be a server, it used to be common with earlier online gaming and VoIP apps like teamspeak to have someone using their PC as the server. Nowadays, with the cloud and light device like Chromebooks it feels like back in the 80’s where there was a couple of server, and people would use cheap low tech terminal to display the console where they work from while all the computing power was located on the servers.
Main criteria is Has walk-in slots or relatively quick availabilities and is either close from home or close from work. This usually drastically reduce the option. While I am lucky enough to be able to afford "Extra-costs"and “private doctor” I would prefer to see doctor applying the legal cost and public hospital over private clinics, but sometimes going private means seing a specialist tomorrow rather than next week. (Or in 3 month for rare specialities)
Nowadays, most countries, have some form of centralized medical record, so if you consent to it, and if your doctor use-it (Public hospital most likely, private hospital sometimes, old 80 year old doctor nope)
Which looks like a bug rather than a feature, the level of deflation bitcoin has make it an usable as a money.
I am rather having regular raise while my mortgage stay the same thanks to inflation than seeing my pay diminish thanks to deflation while my mortgage stays the same
Not video gaming, but the Eclipse phase Rpg went pretty far in that theme, with cortical stack, clones, people living in Virtual spaces and more.
I would recommend the official Fate port, as the main system is way too heavy
GPS receiver are passive device, they do not transmit your position. However, we’ve seen in Ukraine and middle-east that GPS are easy to jam.
As other have stated ham radio are simple to build, long range, and reliable. However, once you emmit it’s fairly easy to pinpoint your position
I am not sure why Local peer to peer network haven’t been a thing. i am old enough to remember the era where we had network cable hanging from the windows of student residency to build a kind of building-wide LAN, looks so much easier with wifi
Be careful with encrypted mobile phones, The Enro-chat network let the police listen to drug-lord in clear for like 2 years leading to a massive arrest. I believe it requewstd a huge work for the police to arrest them, but they’ve done-it Encryption may still help though, just don’t over estimate the budget government can put to break-it if needed (let alone all the backdoors in commercial-grade devices).
Pigeon, dead-drop, and courrier are very efficient, it doesn’t look as cool as space hacker. but this works
Especially Christains and Muslims. Is there a prominent female god that as big as the other two
Technically, Christian, Jewish, and Muslim worship the same “God”. And have a big corpus of common texts and prophet (at the point the Koran talks a lot about Jesus) their religious differences are mostly about “interpretation” but they have way more similiarities than conservative of either religion like to admit
the trick is that the big block of Abrahamic monotheism is like the major monotheist religion. Then you have various polytheist pantheon having a mother earth figure but I don’t know them enough to know how major/female would be amateratsu or patchamama Neo-Pagan also tend to worship a Godess However, it’s a kind of made-up underground religion more than a major traditional one.
First question, why would we want monetization? people do amateur theatre, short movies for fun, volunteer do coach kids sport for fun so the whole society doesn’t have to be commercial, and even Wikipedia is mostly ran by volunteers.
I mean sure, federated instance and some authors may get government grant for culture (which would be better spend than for commercial movies, or all the government money spent in AI) but not monetizing won’t prevent people from contributing
Actually, to my understanding, the two mains criminal justice system are either inquistorial with a judge over-seeing the investigation (in both direction) and transmitting the whole case to another judge for the trial and indeed adversarial. I am pretty sure full books have been written on the pro and con and both system
The real question is why the hell Americans (including Canadian it seems) don’t vote on Sunday like the rest of the world ? So people do not work, problem solved
Just a couple of years back, you would get replacable batteries, at least from “phone shops” with dedicated tools.
Designing a water tight enclosure which can be opened to replace a battery isn’t exactly rocket science. It doesn’t need to be as easy as a fairphone.
Sure some brands will do malicious conpliance and guess what, people will bux from other brands.