Is the plane so fat it can’t find its dick to take a piss? If so, I see the resemblance.
In dark times should the stars also go out?
Is the plane so fat it can’t find its dick to take a piss? If so, I see the resemblance.
Would it take “a lot” or “a few in the right places?”
Like raptors testing the fences.
Reddit has a lot of content and users, I had to switch to Lemmy after being IP banned from reddit (called too many nazis “nazis” I guess) but I really miss the news feed I had cultivated there.
Jesus ABC softballs for that nazi so hard
Schumer will fuck it up for everyone and cave
A huge amount of uncensored bots and censored users. I called too many nazis nazis for reddit and am IP banned now lol
Sounds like an inside job. Has anyone asked Adrian Dittman?
I stay inside because people in my community are increasingly hostile and aggressive toward me for no good reason as far as I can tell.
Nothing is ever enough for the cannibals of the Republican party. They are craven, ravenous, rapacious monsters.
You’re a petulant child
Stupid people cause more evil than evil people
Bro ‘Enola Gay’ is someone’s name, from a time before the word ‘gay’ was even associated with homosexuality.
Willfully stupid people are even worse than the bigots sometimes I swear to God
Who was it that once said, “fuck your feelings”?
He’s best friends with some tabloid mogul, there’s a safe full of kompromat on every right-wing nutjob that ever got anywhere, I bet.
So foreigners don’t have constitutional rights like citizens, they only have civil rights, and that’s the legal loophole the admin is using to justify this El Salvador deal. Actually doing this to a citizen would be wildly unconstitutional. I am not saying they won’t try, but if they do try AND succeed, well it’s time to do those things that have to be done when tyrants void the rule of law.