Both Firefox and Vivaldi are far superior to “Samsung Internet”. Nobody should use that crap, ever.
Peace with Russia is difficult as long as Russia isn’t interested in peace, which they clearly aren’t
I dare say intelligence in at least 7 European countries rival the US intelligence. But it’s a good thing imo that a lot of people underestimate European capabilities.
Maybe you’re looking too much into this? Maybe the person was just being rude.
Oh they always have a reason, and it’s extremely unethical
Tor + vpn can circumvent these blocks?
Long battery life is why I went back to my good old trusty non-smart watch. Let’s see how this Pebble 2.0 will work out. I’m interested.
Not sure, but compared to about a year ago, it seems more active.
I mostly agree. Maybe a nice idea to make it opt-in by default, with the option to switch back to the ‘old’ UI
Nope. Not true.
Use NewPipe
The what?
How far is the release? I remember from about a year ago the apps would come ‘soon’ onto the app stores, but it’s still not available yet
Try looking up the definition of the word bot. You might learn something today.
Too many anarchists and tankies use Lemmy unfortunately.
Not a bot. Assange helped regimes and dictators to kill US informants. Innocent people in Syria and Belarus for example got murdered because of the information Assange gave them. Look it up if you don’t believe me.
Mastodon? Substack? Bluesky?