Once Honey 2.0 comes out in 20 years, your stock in Honey 1.0 will be worthless :(
Once Honey 2.0 comes out in 20 years, your stock in Honey 1.0 will be worthless :(
You may want to take a break from viewing political content if this is your honest thoughts.
Many people working in federal government have done so for multiple years, and multiple presidents, why would they be considered as a “magat”?
It’s like we’ve come full circle to the GOP for decades sowing the seed of “you can’t trust government” for someone seemingly on the other side having the same sentiment. Again, if that’s your honest belief, consider their objective won, you’re in less control of yourself than you think.
No, in your friends mouths. You both spend the whole afternoon shooting into each other’s mouths. 😇
Hopefully not. Leave that stuff on reddit lol
Yes, it’s the intentions behind it just as equally.
It’s like saying kys doesn’t mean “kill yourself” just because it’s doesn’t spell it explicitly.
There’s a difference between what’s been labeled as “a mistake” per the article you shared and what you’re alluding as by intention.
Also, semi-related. It’s important I think to mention US citizenship is broken into 3 types: US Citizen, Naturalized US Citizen, and Non Citizen. This is more likely to be a problem for Naturalized Citizens than US born. Each is different in their own ways.
Tbh, the slide sounds like a good time. Glad it wasn’t in the air yet.
This sounds very tinfoil hat-ish.
Not saying I don’t somewhat agree with what youre getting at, but you sound like you think the world is already over, or that not a single moral is left on earth.
Oof, couldn’t help yourself huh?
Some advice: plenty of your comment interaction seems politically driven. I’d suggest engaging less. Don’t fall into the trap of political and ideological debate with people and waste your days away changing no one’s mind, or at least the way you’re doing it.
I’m not surprised you got banned for your comments.
Since you seem interested, start one. Don’t ask someone to do it for you, or for their approval. Do what you truly believe, not what others support.
Do you have any examples?
Well now I’m going to, jk.
Who asked? Lol
It’s not that hard of a choice either ofc, given one is essentially required.
I’m gonna be honest dude. The “shorts is just over-sexualised jailbait” is a you issue, and more of a self report on the shit you watch, or you being hyperbolic. I often watch shorts and have not once ever seen anything remotely as you describe.
You get served kid videos because you watch them, which is sick of you. It’s wild you’d admit that when common knowledge is algos show you content you seem to like.
This is exactly the type of tweet he’d make lol
Unsurprising news from anyone with half a brain cell…
This situation you describe is something I don’t see a major problem with. It being yours but under your parents control and secured away unless he’s present with you sounds like a responsible approach that seems uncommon these days.
I dont have any children, but I still think it’s the right and responsible thing to lock up my firearms.
Someone needs to ban this MINOR right now before I call the cyber police. 😤