Don’t change.
When people see you smiling, it will make them happy by-proxy.
Be proud, laugh loud.
Don’t change.
When people see you smiling, it will make them happy by-proxy.
Be proud, laugh loud.
By my definition, family is who you treat like family.
If they don’t want honest people considering it, maybe they shouldn’t raise the price by 80% in a single price change.
I paid for YouTube premium when it was first available. They guaranteed the price would never change as I was a first adopter. Then they did. Then they did it again. And then again.
Google can fuck off. They have all the money in the world and they need to extort the people who helped grow their business.
I think the cabin crew need to have an emergency straight jacket in case of loonies. Duct tape does seem rather archaeic.
Path of Exile 2 Is Being Optimized For the Steam Deck
Your Mom’s being optimised for the Steam Deck
Its literally a bad prototype for the ps3 lol
Sony Teases Futuristic Phones and PlayStation Controllers
Sony can tease my asshole.
Oh, you think seeders are your ally, but you merely adopted piracy as an adult. I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn’t pay for anything until I was already a man; by then, it was nothing to me but expensive.
The peers betray you, because they belong to me. I will show you my torrent collection, whilst preparing to show you my ratio. Then I will set my upload speed limit to 0.
The clear plastic tubing was packaged in a roll, to be cut at whatever length the ant farmer wanted, so it was long enough to do standing up.
He didn’t get naked, just put his hand down his pants. It was evident that he placed it either on his butthole, or up it, based on the effort he was taking.
Back when I was maybe seven years old I went to this kids birthday party. I got him an ant farm with tubes.
Later on when all the kids were playing together in his room without adults, he pulled the roll of clear plastic tubing out of ant farm box, he shoved one end up his ass and then started sucking on the other end.
It’s nice to know that he is still alive and tweeting.
Comments are back, and even comment replies! This is huge!
What brands do you recommend for laptops?
I’ll also argue you shouldn’t skimp out on a motherboard.
I once owned an Asus Ranger VII. When I turned it on for the very first time, it lost its magic dust, and fried my RAM.
RMA found the MB was faulty, so they covered the RAM too.
This is from ASUS too, so I can only imagine how the chances of this sort of accident rises as you reduce the cost.
I’m pretty sure Apple has something similar. You don’t technically own the device because the software it’s packaged with doesn’t belong to you.
This means they could brick your phone and you have no right to complain.
pUt iT oN tHe BlOcKcHaiN bRo!
Microsoft Clippy materializes as your permanent sidekick. You cannot close Clippy.
“Looks like you’re jacking off again, would you like help with that?”
“Looks like you’re thinking about your ex again, would you like to stage a home invasion?”
“All women hate you, the logical conclusion is that modern day feminism is at fault, would you like directions to the nearest KKK rally?”
Clippy has a lot of issues. It’s not worth it bro.