This site is amazing. Loads of sites for whatever you want
This site is amazing. Loads of sites for whatever you want
Sounds like lawsuit territory
That’s absolutely not true. They have your face which they can put a name on, they know which checkout you went to and everything you bought, if it’s on sale or not, if it’s within your usual purchase baseline, etc etc, all of which goes into their tracking system.
There isn’t a true seperation of church and state at this point. There are plenty of fundamentalist politicians, and churches and religious organizations donate (bribe) politicians as much as business orgs do. If they are going to donate to politicians they should be taxed.
There have been plenty of laws passed attempting to force xtians bullshit, it usually gets challenged and removed but it constantly happens.
If you’re picking shitty people it doesn’t make you look good, it makes you look like a shitty person for picking shitty people.
Charge them with hate speech.
Who did they poll? How was the poll conducted? If it’s a phone poll you’re going to get old people, no one younger than 40 is going to do a phone poll. And most old people are conservatives. When it comes to polls, it’s very easy to manipulate the results either in how it’s done or how the results are interpreted.
Turn off the servers
Just get a mannequin and dress it like a clown and debate that.
They saw the money Thiel made with no backlash and decided to follow suit
Dangerous to their bottom line
Easy, domestic auto producers bribe politicians to make it illegal for foreign automakers to compete in the US because if it were alllowed, domestic automakers would get destroyed.
The pandemic exposed the lie that ISPs need to cap data because of infrastructure limitations. We all went to WFH with no issues on the infrastructure.
If all you’re voting on is how they respond to Gaza, Harris isn’t great but Trump is exponentially worse. He’s openly said that Israel should continue what they’re doing. In fact, in every metric of comparison Trump is exponentially worse. It’s not that we’re scared of Trump, it’s that he is so much worse in every regard.
That problem exists only as long as no one makes a better CPR machine.
You know we have robots that weld right now? And people are building basic sex robots? The idea that AI can’t replace a human is narcissistic hubris.
Anonymized data doesn’t exist. It can always be de-anonymized.
The Rs and Ds have rigged the system so third party candidates are all but impossible to elect.
I use raindrop.io It has a website and browser extension
Is it still a pile of hot garbage to use?