Anyone remember OnLive?
Anyone remember OnLive?
Then it should be even easier to unionize
Southwest is entirely fucked CMV
Also the amount of work that it puts on IT, implementing new tech and not providing/approving the training (which only goes so far)
I use it so much for work that I just can’t rely on a typical ad blocker and I can’t justify not paying for it at this point.
Addiction is defined by repeated behavior despite repeated consequences.
My little cousins stole my aunt’s credit card and spent $10k on digital goods. This wasn’t the first time this happened.
There are legitimate concerns about how these services are shaping the minds of children, constantly poking the reward center of their malleable brains and wiring them a specific way to open pathways to addictive behavior. YouTube channels promoting desperate consumerism by featuring kids opening endless “presents” for an hour as an example.
I will admit that as someone who is a bit more tech savvy than the average person this stuff is pretty alarming. I’m planning to become a parent soon and it seems like keeping their usage in check will be an endless game of whack a mole, and that screen/game/content addiction is now the default outcome because they’re all built to be so predatory and addictive by nature.
As someone who is contemplating becoming a parent soon, what’s a good solution to managing screen time? I’m an IT guy so managing their devices will be standardized, but ethically I’m a bit worried about going too far with it. I really want my kids to grow up being creative and a bit bored sometimes so they have to make their own fun, but I also want them to game a bit like when I was a kid. It’s going to take quite a bit of work to restrict access to certain services at certain times of day, plus I’m considering absolutely no social media until they’re in high school but I’m worried that it’ll make them rebel and get desperate
I thought it had less to do with suffering and exploitation (animals do this to each other, no way to stop that nor should we) but more to do with climate change. Cattle farms are causing massive climate change for instance.
This is basic troubleshooting for technicians. Our number one rule of thumb: trust but verify.
As a fellow level 3 tech you nailed it. We are constantly exposed to a massive amount of tech illiteracy on a daily basis, and have to clean up the messes these people make while trying to keep a smile on our face and be nice. It sucks even more because we get attitude from people who are complete morons with this stuff, blaming us for their mistakes and getting impatient while we cleanup their mess. We’re also lied to consistently about what they’ve done to cause an issue, so we also have trust issues and have to ask boneheaded questions because so many times the bone headed question is the answer.
From what I see on Local we are
Trans Old Young Gay Straight Nerds Furries Porno addicts
This is the answer, dongle love all the way!
That’s a fucking cute as hell illustration. I’d wear that
🎶 I will remember you
You will remember me
Don’t let your loooooove pass me by 🎶
Super weird, just bought a Nord Grand and this pops up in a feed that rarely posts music tech stuff