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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 29th, 2024

  • Did someone prevent you from voting in the primaries? Or running in the primaries if you didn’t like the people running?

    The candidates don’t just magically appear on the ballot. What you’re complaining about is “the majority of people didn’t want something as progressive as I did so it was duress”.

    “I’m not getting my way so it’s not fair” resonates about as much as “the election was stolen because my guy didn’t win”. Do you have the right to not vote at all? Sure. But then don’t say a fucking thing when the world around you is collapsing becuase the other guy is inifnitely worse than what you were too proud or stubborn to vote for.

    Progressives who refuse to vote for a moderate because “compromise is a four letter word” are as bad or worse than the tea party morons who started the republican party down the path of fascism.

  • So where exactly are kids supposed to go? People will go on about “they should just go outside” but kids have literally had the cops called on them for the crime of walking around their own neighborhood “unsupervised”. I’ve seen calls to ban kids from all sorts of places - planes, theme parks, restaurants, libraries. I’ve seen these “mosquito” things put up to drive kids away from public places. Kids are spending all their time on social media because they have nowhere else to go.

    Outside. It may take society a bit of time to adjust, just like it took a bit of time before kids not being outside became normal, but it will happen. Kids run around my town all the time unsupervised, nobody is calling the cops, and parents are looking out for each others kids. Just because some places have gone off the deep end doesn’t mean everywhere has.

  • My .02? There’s a large swath of “conservative” women who like the idea of going to church, being a stay-at-home mom, and having a husband that goes to work every day and provides for them. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that life.

    But what they found out is the guys espousing that lifestyle actually want to treat their wife as property. There was a solid 30 years of momentum building around “maybe I don’t want to have a two-income household, maybe I just want to be a mom”. Unfortunately, while the women were thinking “we’re partners in this household, I take care of the meals and the kids, you take care of making money” - the dudes were thinking “I own you, you do what I want, I do what I want, if you talk back, I’ll put you in your place”.

  • Go back to mother Russia. Just off the top of my head with 30 seconds of thinking about it and no research:

    Obama: Implemented “Obamacare” allowing millions of Americans with pre-existing conditions to get affordable healthcare for the first time.

    Biden: Limits on predatory interest rates across the board. Limited Insulin prices.

    Both of them have actively gone after people and businesses ripping of medicare which universally helps the working class through better care and lower taxes.

    But sure, they’ve done NOTHING for the working class.