Changed my mind, you are an idiot. My bad.
Changed my mind, you are an idiot. My bad.
I just can’t believe you put so much energy into defending a profit-generating company WITHOUT COMPENSATION. You could argue that someone would have to be stupid to participate in the industry that we do, but it’s another thing to defend these companies without any compensation. I don’t disrespect you, but it’s sad. I hope you can do better for yourself. Good luck homeboy. I think you’re better than this.
You can cool it with accusing me of being passive-aggressive, I think I’ve been completely fair to you. You can definitely not call me ‘buddy’, and you can stop acting like a victim here.
You have to agree that it’s strange that you’re putting so much energy into something you don’t have a monetary interest in. This is very unusual behavior for some random dude on the internet. You must see that. You don’t seem stupid, but you definitely seem incentivized.
So let’s both acknowledge that you’re getting paid to do this and that I’m not.
I also work in tech. I’m not sure why you’d be working so hard for a company that you claim isn’t paying you. You’re worth more than this homeboy.
So, I’m going to assume that you are working for them. Wouldn’t you? So please, again, tell me everything you think you know about Kagi. I’m really curious.
Yeah, black people are going to experience a equivalent amount more pain compared to what they already did before Trump fascism.
Certainly more than white women, for the reasons I already vomited
The incarceration rate certainly doesn’t show that black women are more incarcerated than black men
If what was?
Yeah, but don’t risk taking power from women with misleading facts. The black stats are largely to do with poverty, not with being black. Actually all of the ‘oh-god-help-me’ stats are to do with being poor. Yes, it’s well known that black people are mistreated in society. That has nothing to do with imminent fascism, it’s just how fucked up society was in the first place. The incarceration rate is entirely due to blacks being relegated to poverty and re-enslaved by the system we all apparently supported before Trump. We’ll agree it’s fucking disgusting.
Right now? What do black women have to worry about that white women don’t? I don’t mean to pick sides on a race argument, but I really don’t know where you’re coming from.
I’m not sure what that means
Yeah, you’re catching on.
Kagi is rolling this out to people who never use their service. So that would be equivalent to you paying your mobile provider and never making a phone call or text for an entire month.
I’m fine. I feel like I’m arguing with a secret Kagi operative here.
I haven’t considered that they might be a healthy business but you seem to know a lot more than I do about it…
Please, keep sharing what you don’t know about Kagi
As long as the neo-Nazis find you ‘hot’, you’ll be as well off as the white women
This is a really big question! Let’s wait patiently for them to answer it.
HIRED. Start using our product please.
Sorry, I use a search engine about 300 times a month at minimum. I’m not what you’d consider a power user right now. I agree it shouldn’t be interesting, but it should be used at least. How many figures are you earning?
We have implemented this for the simple reason of being kind to our users
Eh, ok. This is a good user retention strategy if your product isn’t interesting enough to use for most users. Can you imagine any other product offering a free month if you didn’t use it for a whole month? Kagi is near death.
edit: downvoters have six-to-eight figure salaries at Kagi
edit 2: Kagi sent out an email to its 15 staff to downvote my comment on its grassroots marketing plot
I can’t believe I trusted Google to protect me from AI…
You seem angry. Wanna talk?