You honestly think they would approve a paying customer’s claim for euthanasia?
You honestly think they would approve a paying customer’s claim for euthanasia?
WebEx is night and day better than everything else imo. The only advantage teams has is NDI, but otherwise it’s a complete joke in every other comparison.
I don’t use ad blockers and I have no idea what they’re talking about, either
I’m going to laugh my ass off when someone figures out how to track them all in real time, and shares it on a publicly accessible website.
His wife probably made a comment about how handsome the SI is, and he spiraled inside his tiny head.
What implications will this have for people who post other people’s content for profit? Karma being worthless was the only thing keeping the whole model in a grey area, I thought.
Just seeing a turn signal on a Mercedes or BMW is enough for me to assume the driver isn’t the one in control.
It looks more like Darth Vader’s water heater.
Is it the kind of discomfort one feels when they need to use a bathroom but there is only one for a 10,000 person event? Or the kind of discomfort one feels when it’s a record heat wave but a bottle of water is $20 and despite advertising free water stations, there are none? Oh or maybe the discomfort in paying mystery fees that equal the price of the ticket?
Or maybe the kind of discomfort that only an illegitimate business model about to be exposed would evoke?
I’m convinced this whole tiktok is manipulating the algorithm thing is actually US propaganda.
Do we need it? I’m not sure, but I am sure that all things cloud is an inevitability.
I never understood the appeal of twitter before Elon bought it, and I understand it less with every news report about it since.
Have you heard of books?