there’s a community edition (portainer-ce) which is totally free to use
there’s a community edition (portainer-ce) which is totally free to use
Yeah, I’m not that concerned about receiving, since I was able to send a mail with swaks
and it came through in proton.
So, the forwarding system is basically like running an own mailserver, right?
I checked out addy too, but SL and their browser extension seem just more feature rich.
I wanted to reuse one for octoprint, but it turned out to be unreliable. So I switched to my NUC instead.
I have the feeking that those SD cards just don’t perform well and wear out more easily, and I really use good ones.
wait… it ain’t 1.0 yet, but it still fully works? noice!
Have you tried running any of those through wine?
Where’s the GNU part?
yeah… and all it really does is create a new pixelfed account, while copying over the mastodon bio and followers.
they just synchronize
But to be able to sync with each other, they still have to agree upon a standard, right?
Sorry but the autoformatting miscommunicated my statement… by @adonis I meant adonis @
And the domain is always part of the actual userhandle. Hence, there can only be one.
Regarding OAuth/JWT, these aren’t new concepts. They’ve been around for while, if not decades.
Why would there need to be a signature to every post? According to your statement, any service that provides OAuth/JWT would be prone to this fatal flaw, wouldn’t it?
logging in with one account into another instance
I’d imagine a OAuth/JWT-like workflow, where can ask a kbin-API whether my user exists on
If it does, I should be able to post images on the pixelfed app that show my username as @adonis.
Edit: by @adonis, I mean adonis @
we willget there eventually.
you can’t compare a product that is decades old wuth something that’s fairly new.
0, zero, none, nada, niente…
PS: I like boobs
and Linux users
New user: I have a problem 😊
New user: Nevermind 😮💨
Ever since the api shit happend, and mods left their subs unmoderated, I feel like there are more bot accounts/posts on Reddit than ever.
separate nvmes for the root-fs and for my users home folder.
configure /etc/fstab to point nvme to /home/username.
Done! I can wipe and hop as much as I like, and everything’s just there.
Tbh, i only hopped once, from Arch to Fedora and it was painless.
OMAD (one meal a day) and intermittent fasting is even healthier