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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • It definitely has its uses but it also has massive annoyances as you pointed out. One thing has really bothered me, I asked it a factual question about Mohammed the founder of Islam. This is how I a human not from a Muslim background would answer

    “Ok wikipedia says this ____”

    It answered in this long winded way that had all these things like “blessed prophet of Allah”. Basically the answer I would expect from an Imam.

    I lost a lot of trust in it when I saw that. It assumed this authority tone. When I heard about that case of a lawyer citing madeup caselaw from it I looked it as confirmation. I don’t know how it happened but for some questions it has this very authoritative tone like it knows this without any doubt.

  • Ok business idea

    You buy the printer. The printer is made out of wood and metal. If you hit it with a hammer your hammer will break. It communicates only over Ethernet. Uses the default driver of the most popular desktop OSes. If you call support a surly man yells at you and tells you that this isn’t fucking EAgames, you buy it you own it our business is concluded. You put whatever ink you want in it via a syringe. Your grandkids can inherit it when you die and it will still work. When it breaks you get out a screwdriver and pliers to fix it. The manual warning for electrical shock hazard is “if you are too dumb to fix it you deserve getting electrocuted. Please hire someone who can be trust with scissors to open this”.

  • Meh. If you ignore every cancer long enough you don’t have to worry about any of them.

    We need a neutral body that is willing to treat it like binary. Does it increase the odds of cancer above a certain threshold given situations that normal users would deal with? Then yes it causes cancer. Else no. I am sick of these governing bodies using weasel words to defend their claims. Statements like this make people do averaging. Suddenly these super hypothetical situations are rated as deadily as smoking.