Go fash, lose cash.
Go fash, lose cash.
anywhere that follows the rule of law
That’s the beautiful part, apparently that no longer applies to the USA.
“…amid a severe bird flu outbreak that has led to the culling of millions of egg-laying chickens.”
It’s included in the summary, which is taken from the article.
The plaintiffs said some of the regulations on Planned Parenthood centers were so strict, “most health centers or doctors’ office simply do not meet” them.
I suspect that’s entirely by design.
Reached the point of being more evil than Judge Frollo, congratulations.
party on the left
Very generous description of Starmer’s Labour!
I believe it’s known as a bussy.
And justify it because he’s African American.
Insurance generally, yes. But health insurance, no, especially when it could be funded by taxes like in other countries and still have that same element of shared risk, but without the perverse incentive to let people die just to create a little more profit for the precious shareholders.
Which I appreciate is what you said, but I thought it bore repeating. Other forms of insurance I suspect would be harder to nationalise, but in theory there’s no reason they couldn’t.
Very fair, I just saw an opportunity for the quote and couldn’t resist.
A new car built by my company leaves somewhere traveling at 60 mph. The rear differential locks up. The car crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside. Now, should we initiate a recall? Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don’t do one.
He’d be lucky to just be fired.
How long until he sues users to return like he is with advertisers?
Methinks the JD doth protest too much.
He’s playing both sides, so he’ll always come out on top.
You wouldn’t know them, they got cancelled at another school.
Small orange mushroom, people are saying.
If everyone doing it gets away with it, then is it actually illegal?
“Anonymously” at an “auction” was the intended implication, I believe. Where in actuality someone is just paid a lot of money in a manner that is harder to trace, and has an air of plausible deniability.