Well not with that attitude, anyway
Well not with that attitude, anyway
Oh my sweet, summer child…
I’m not happy about it or anything, but at least in this scenario it becomes entirely feasible for all of these fascist clowns to (technically anyway) choke to death on cock, so I’m understandably conflicted
Your first mistake would be believing this has anything even renotely to do with cost reduction
I never watched the show (thankfully), but I always thought that having Trump ridicule/fire these people was part of the ‘entertainment/joke’ aspect of everything because he himself was widely regarded as a joke of businessman… person… Ya know, just a joke in general.
Imagine my surprise to find out - decades later - that apparently not everyone was in on the joke…
I think - for their own safety, of course - we should gather more of these Tesla vehicles together in a central location so they can be isolated from the population at large… Perhaps in some sort of tent-based accommodation?
I wish I wasn’t (for a myriad of reasons, that being the least of which) yet, here we are
Or as I like to call it: The majority of my adult life
My cat helped
I know my 4 dollars a month is nothing to them, but at least you can rest comfortably tonight knowing that by bringing this sentence to my attention you just lost them a sub lol
Yea, the whole.ten.dollars.
You’re welcome!
I am sorely disappointed in the lack of machine gun jubblies if so.
Just one? You are far more optimistic than I am, clearly
Well that last part is only natural… He has to make sure he can make a living after all
“I’m Spartacus.”
“No, I’m Spartacus!”
“We’re ALL Spartacus!”
Terrorists these days… They just don’t make them like they used to.
Well of course he does: He’s not one of the poors.
Where there’s smoke, there’s fire woke?
Has anyone tried explaining to the fire that climate change is just part of the radical, dangerous leftist agenda? Ooh, no, wait - Show it all the carbon offset credits we’ve got! Cuz those aren’t like the ‘thoughts and prayers’ of climate change policy or anything, and the fire will totally be like, “My bad fam, I didn’t realize”
While I don’t disagree with you, what if the violence in the game in question was specifically against people with Down’s Syndrome? I think that may bring it a little closer to being equal - in terms of the analogy, anyway. I don’t think the big problem here is the AI porn necessarily, so much as the fetishization of not just a minority, but one with an impairment. (Which I think is only further compounded by said impairment being largely cognitive/developmental in nature, as well.)