Female workers make more in a number or jobs, especially pretty or flirtatious women make much more in jobs that have tips
Female workers make more in a number or jobs, especially pretty or flirtatious women make much more in jobs that have tips
It outlasts the phone but it’s unusable with your next phone so in reality it doesn’t
In this case it’s obviously cheaper, also organic materials are probably harder to source and manufacture consistently
Right, when we make things out of wood sure it’s killing trees, but it’s a sustainable resource that is better than mining for other materials that don’t biodegrade. Of course in leathers case it is literally a byproduct so there is very little environmental concers. Garentee faux leather is much more environmentally unfriendly
Leather lasts a lot longer and personally I think it feels better. But the fake leathers often fall apart really quickly and can’t be cared for like leather. A maintained leather item can last centuries, not that an accessory would last very long but faux leather crumbles pretty quickly
Got me fucked up if you think in gonna report it though