Learning new things daily. Appreciate for the link.
Learning new things daily. Appreciate for the link.
The FaceTime software, would have done plentiful towards the industry & others, if it became open sourced.
But nope, they decided to make it exclusive for only within the Apple product bubble. Now we are supporting with so many video apl software/ tools. It’s just fragmented. It’s okey with competition but this is far too much. Also the quality, safety have lessoned.
The no competition in the market, is the issue. Hope the situation improves in near future. With it innovations will gradually increase & the demand within the markets will point the directions.
Appreciate your clerification.
The whole organization structure & how it functions is just not so smart after all. Have management team considered the Lean Methodology with their business objectives?
I am planning to change/ move to Ubuntu LTS during coming summer. Currently studying at university & don’t want disruptions with study activities. Compatibility issues etc.
For someone graduating in entrepreneurship, i believe Ubuntu with other open source software will be sufficient towards my main objectives at work life.
This type of information, encourages me to move quickly to a linux distro of choice.
It was pathetic for them to hide away this button with its statistics. Honestly it’s an valuable tool.
If this become the outcome, I will definitely return back to Apple & be an new happy owner of the next iPhone.
The companies should try making water resistant devices. But the repairability or ease of changing batteries should not be neglected. Maybe another model that is a bit further expensive, covering the cost of making it water tight, should be also sold?
I received an update of similar card this week. “European Health Insurance Card”.
Feels better having this while traveling :)
I have created the Kia Community. As a owner of the car, it’s been awesome to find other owners who can share their knowledge & advice on maintenance & driving the car. Invited others in!
Few times a week i do some editing or writing comments within OpenStreetMap. I see the whole task as a game, results being implemented & used for people in need. Good feelings afterwards.
Focus on your neighborhood & community, as it continues to change, if you want to participate. Few weeks later changes are implemented into Organic Maps as example.
Maybe same, but those outside EU will have some functions/ featlrures deactivated as standard.
Can that work?