They develop IC on iPhones?!!
I break things. Then I put them back together. Then I break them again. Just to show I mean business.
They develop IC on iPhones?!!
“The whole point of a Doomsday Machine is lost if you keep it a secret!”
“status quo”
Compare how and why people cheer for sports teams. If you’re affiliated you will support any statement in favor of the team, while ignoring, suppressing, or attacking any statements to the contrary.
You won’t debate a Trump troll out of supporting Trump, because it’s about belonging to a group and showing loyalty regardless of facts. Honestly I’m not surprised he’s doing so well, consider how techy most of us are and still get overwhelmed by what the Internet is shaping up to be. If you’re in your 50’s from a poor rural area, what chance have you got to stand against weaponized online propaganda?
We are all like this, by the way. The inclination to blind affiliation with groups is the result of very deep, very old, very well studied cognitive structures and behaviors.
Here’s some introductory reading that might fundamentally change how you perceive people’s participation in groups:
Sherif’s autokinetic experiment - if enough people around you believe something, you’ll soon believe it too
A similar experiment performed by Solomon Asch
The Robber’s Cave experiment - arbitrarily divide a group into two, and watch the inevitable descent into inter-group conflict (hopeful note: if you make the groups try to overcome a common obstacle, fighting goes away)
Leon Festinger’s Cognitive Dissonance Tests - This is an interesting one as well, here’s the idea:
Experiment: Infiltrating a doomsday cult before, during, and after the date of their supposed apocalypse, Festinger and his fellow scientists noted that instead of losing faith, members doubled-down on their beliefs after the ‘end times’ came and went — eventually believing that their work saved the world.
Conclusion: When we have two (or more) incompatible thoughts, we adjust them to minimize internal conflict, what Festinger called ‘cognitive dissonance’ — a term that explains the mind state of those unwilling to accept information that conflicts against their belief.
“The Greeks were a bunch of woke gays anyway, good riddance” is what a Republican might say if they knew the Greeks invented democracy.
The concept of AI weaponized mass propaganda on social media makes it less mysterious.
You know… In my life I’ve had to talk a few people out of scams.
I know they were scammed, it’s blatantly a scam, the evidence is overwhelming, my experience is solid, everyone I know of’s experience says the same.
Yet they will argue with you back and forth and never really be satisfied because they want to believe it so much, and I imagine it stings a good bit being told you’re being ripped the fuck off and you’re too stupid or inexperienced to understand that.
I’m never confrontational about it, I just make it very perfectly clear that proceeding would be extremely ill advised, and that even their own worries brought them to me asking for my opinion because they trust my judgment.
It scares me how long it takes to convince them, and how often in the end they come to me a month later and I ask them how it went, and they went and bought it anyway, for whatever far fetched rationalization they managed to construct for themselves.
Psychology is real, psychology is simple, all it takes to control humans is to have no care for anything but yourself.
WELCOME TO FINANCE! There are no rules, and if we break them, we remake them!
This is a case where I literally both hate the player and the game.
The US doesn’t like the idea of taking responsibility for its actions ever.
I feel like all we’re doing is speedrunning Reddit.
Considering how well voting has turned out in general, maybe the voting system is the issue.
thepiratebay.org is still up
they did go to prison tho
their apartment in Malmö looked and smelled like a triceratops hibernated in there, by the way
Yeah, we should run this shit through Somalia, they don’t give a f u c k.
Lemmy.world is a fucking shithole. It’s teenage life crisis tumblr in here.
That guy’s obsession with that King of Kong dude is pathological. Yeah, he is an asshole, but to keep whining about it for years just for clicks and ad revenue is grimy af.
These words must be prefixed by long winded legal conditions to ever be used in any conversation on any topic ever:
These words are HARAM, and can not be used unless you are one or more of them.
Fucking social calvinism.
Edit: like clockwork, here they come
I fucked a transvestite once. Still got fed.
Salvation army fed me when I was living on the streets, and they treated me with kindness and respect, that’s all I know.
All men should really learn to behave. Even the well-behaved ones.
Not the first totalitarian government people have felt like that about…