Wyze natively supports Google Assistant. If you are a HK user you can set up Homebridge and use the “homebridge-wyze-smart-home” plugin which supports a lot of Wyze devices and is regularly updated.
Wyze natively supports Google Assistant. If you are a HK user you can set up Homebridge and use the “homebridge-wyze-smart-home” plugin which supports a lot of Wyze devices and is regularly updated.
Yes, the 2nd gen pairs and charges while magnetically attached.
Did you even watch the video? iPhonedo tested with and without the instagram update as well as 17.0.3
Problem was Instagram, not iOS.
yea not a fan of the pastel-ish colors this year.
One piece of advise I can give; do not try to replicate your android experience on iOS. More than likely it will leave you frustrated. Make the switch with an open mind to a new way of doing things and you will have a much better time.
Glad its all sorted out now!
If anything I would expect it to show as 250GB for you. At one point my wife had signed up for the 200GB family plan but still had an active 200GB personal plan that she shared as well, so it showed as 400GB available.
The 200GB is shared between everyone on the family sharing plan. Did your wife set up family sharing and invite your account? If not, that needs to be done, then the 200GB will show up on your device. I would get this set up first so you see the extra 200GB, then cancel your 50GB plan. That way you know you are covered by a storage plan and not trying to rush to set something up before 30 days expire.
I love it for the gestures that MacOS supports. Great for switching between remote desktop sessions.
For white noise I don’t think you can do any better than a physical device. I really like the Dohm white noise machines by Yogasleep.
I do not believe there is a Wyze integration for Home Assistant.