You can run Windows on Apple Silicon in a VM. These people are just wrong. Also Windows for ARM exists.
You can run Windows on Apple Silicon in a VM. These people are just wrong. Also Windows for ARM exists.
This is hilariously wrong. I have run virtual machines on Apple Silicon myself. They literally built a virtualization framework for the product in question.
My god you’re calling me a fanboy long after I sold the only Apple device I owned. Like it’s actually hilarious in how off the mark you are. It wasn’t long ago I was getting downvoted on Reddit for suggesting someone not buy their girlfriend a macbook.
I am well aware of the compatibility issues, it’s why I sold my M1 machine. The thing is you were specifically talking about Windows as an example of something that needs emulation, which it doesn’t. It’s specific applications that need “emulation”, which isn’t even a normal emulator. For macOS applications they mainly use static recompilation, and for Windows apps dynamic recompilation (dynarec) is used. Windows for ARM translation layer basically acts like a JIT compiler.
Apple’s implementation is actually shockingly good because they built an x86 like memory coherency mode into the M family SoCs (specifically in the performance cores) and because they are using the static recompilation that I mentioned. Apps running in a Windows for ARM VM couldn’t use that last time I owned a MacBook.
Nope, they use Windows for ARM
You can run virtual machines on Apple Silicon. I have done it myself. Also Razer are known for bad reliability.
Don’t know why people are downvoting you here. This OSI definition definitely isn’t modern and doesn’t match what people expect when they see open source.
You’re passionate about something you don’t understand and have never tried.
Tap to click you remove your finger and press it back down to click. That’s why it’s called tap to click and not press to click.
With haptic touchpads you keep your finger where it is and apply more force. It’s a completely different gesture and is very similar to mechanical clicking touchpads.
Why it’s better is because it is consistent across the whole touchpad surface versus mechanical typically don’t work towards the top of the touchpad. Mechanical touchpads normally feel loose to me and you can’t change the actuation force. With a haptic touchpad you can change the actuation force since it’s a force sensor with a software defined threshold.
It also doesn’t feel anything like phone haptics. It feels more like a press than a vibration like a phone does.
These are also higher quality touchpads in general that have more resolution. Theoretical even better than the Apple force touch devices I have used.
Walk into an Apple store and try one of their devices before you complain again.
Have you ever actually tried a haptic touchpad? I have and honestly they are so much better everything else feels like a joke in comparison.
Also no it won’t have a physical click, that defeats the purpose. It’s also not the same as tap to click, it uses a force sensor.
This is why we need SMRs and probably government funding as well. It’s hard to run a grid without base load power.
I still don’t think that would work as a peaker plant, but it’s better than nothing! If they really have improved it more than that it might work, but you are going to need at least one power source that can be meaningfully changed multiple times per day.
I’m not saying the old logic of “ARM is efficient, x86 is fast” isn’t still true
Okay then I will say it. Apple Silicon is almost as fast per core than Intel and AMD. I am not talking just about x86 vs ARM in general because that’s a fools errand. I am talking about Intel. That’s also not an Atom chip, they don’t make Atom anymore. Sure it is made of E cores but those are several generations removed from the Atom chips. It would actually make more sense imo if they used the 8 core version of that chip.
Literally anybody who lives in an apartment block. Or anyone who’s front door is too far to run a charging cable. Then charging at work is even fewer people. In my country most people can’t park directly outside their house to begin with even if they own a house. This is very naïve.
Intel chips are still quite hot and use older process nodes which are less efficient. They have been pushing performance over efficiency recently as well. If this was AMD hardware on N5 I would agree with you, but sadly it isn’t.
The issue with this mentality is that lots of people (or even most) can’t charge at home or at work. If you have fast charging cars and enough stations then you don’t need to address this issue and you now have a drop in fossil fuel replacement rather than something that needs lots of new local infrastructure.
Are the power optimisations as good on Linux/ARM as on x86?
ARM chips use less power, that’s kind of the whole point.
Have you tried updating the kernel? If it’s been rated to work with a certain Linux distribution and it doesn’t work on yours then chances are that the distribution they tested with is using a newer kernel.
That being said new hardware can be quite problematic on Linux. I personally haven’t had issues with Huawei Matebooks provided I installed the newer kernels, but Apple Silicon was a nightmare.
And since when do I care about the law? Also there are laws about repair in my country.
As in a company cannot disallow you from doing anything you want with you’re device, because you own it! I guess they can try and make it more difficult by the way they design the product, but that’s actually illegal in some countries and states. For example my country has right to repair legislation for certain types of applicances.
Right to repair isn’t a law yet in most places. You seem have have missed that whole debacle.
Edit: my country actually has right to repair laws: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-57665593
Yeah Apple products aren’t exactly durable. Still I hope you have a service contract with razor.