I gave up on cute or clever names a while ago; now I go with “storage0”, “router0”, “wap00”, “vmhost0”. Always with a numeric suffix because there will be a -1, -2 some day.
I gave up on cute or clever names a while ago; now I go with “storage0”, “router0”, “wap00”, “vmhost0”. Always with a numeric suffix because there will be a -1, -2 some day.
maybe get a lanyard to reduce the snatch risk.
If you have an apple device, I believe you can lock the phone remotely via the “find my” app on another device or through Apple’s website. Not sure about Android.
There are 14 GMRS frequencies. How soon do you think they would become unusable if even 10,000 casual users in a metro area all went and bought 50W radios?
Imagine hundreds of thousands of uneducated users, even 5 year old children, who could just “punch numbers in” - this is what the Baofeng debacle opened up.
A socket, pipe, or shared memory region?
A network connection to localhost?
Running the backend as a child process of the frontend, and using standard io?
Well, they can seize a lot of things because of reciprocal anti-terrorism money laundering agreements with most of the countries you’d want to trust with your money.
resources aimed at wealthy people offshoring their assets might be useful to you
well, first you would need to set up a brokerage account outside the US, and move your money over to it…
For now, though, you can invest in an Ex-US ETF, Vanguard has one that is essentially the total world stock index minus US companies. https://investor.vanguard.com/investment-products/etfs/profile/veu
Zigbee or Zwave temperature/humidity sensors are common. Add a 3-circuit relay box and you can simulate the behavior of pretty much any thermostat with a few rules.
HA or any other system that can toggle outputs based on sensor thresholds would work just fine.
there are some subtleties with real HVAC thermostats, like running your AC compressor at least five minutes and ensuring that it stays off for at least 5 minutes when it’s turned off.
Both my Google and At&t gigabit fiber plans have been symmetric and post about 850-900mbit both ways.
Cable (DOCSIS) customers will always have lower UL because of the limited shared upload channel compared to multiple bonded download channels.
ADSL customers are in a similar situation, with the modems configured to allocate 90% of the channel to downstream (which makes sense for the vast majority of users).
Cellular customers will always have lower UL because of handset power/antenna limitations and transmit power ranging.
fuck I just bought a new iPhone
there’s this bizarre contingent of very vocal users who go nuts, pushing back against any actually achievable non right wing stance, and go on and on about how “liberals“ are evil and not “left”. I believe they are plants who’ve been given the job of dividing the left.
Never good to intentionally pollute.
Yeah, you become a trillion dollar company by being lazy and not knowing what people want!
guar gum, xantham gun, locust bean extract, etc - all emulsifers or texture additives used to mask lower product quality and allow more air to be whipped in.
Even the expensive stuff, Ben & Jerrys (sold out to PE a while ago), boutique brands at Whole Foods, and even Kirkland premiun have the same list of bullshit.
The only brand I can reliably find without them is Haagen Dazs.
Is COBOL subject to buffer overflows and use-after-free bugs? I honestly don’t know.
I don’t recall the COBOL code I’ve read using pointers.
LOL, yeah. Capitalism.
The great socialist countries are way ahead with modular, standardized mobile handset components.
Everyone knows the longest-lived PC bus standards came out of the Soviet Union and North Korea in the 80s.
And large businesses worldwide are still running accounting software on the mainframe architecture China’s government developed in the 60s.
lol, right, this is terrorism!
If 10 people are sitting at a table…
Unfortunately, Determinate’s installer doesn’t work on my new Macbook ☹️
When Russian citizens understand there are direct consequences to them, Russian citizens stop supporting Putin’s actions.
I just set my ecobee to “auto”; the only possible inconvenience is the required gap between heating setpoint and cooling setpoint so it doesn’t constantly flap back and forth as a result over overshooting the setpoint. I have the gap set to 3 degrees and tend to shift it up and down seasonally (e.g. heating setpoint at 72 and cooling setpoint at 75 in the winter, heating 69 and cooling 72 in the summer)
Insolation and air infiltration based on wind conditions likely affect loss as much as outside temp, and the thermostat doesn’t know that (it could presumably learn to relate time of day, cloud cover, day of year (solar angle), wind conditions with that - but it would take 2 years to learn and its response would be opaque - most homeowners want bang-bang control since they understand it.