Now a look at tomorrows news: Trump orders the office of special counsel to let a 5 year old doge “employee” install a scraper in their server room with sysadmin access.
Hold the bottom left emoji button or swipe up on it. You can quickly change keyboard language, squish it to one side or go to settings.
For context length, vram is important, you can’t break contexts across memory pools so it would be limited to maybe 16gb. With m series you can have a lot more space since ram/vram are the same, but its ram at apple prices. You can get a +24gb setup way cheaper than some nvidia server card though
They need to let us whitelist 2FA App notifications from summary, so there is no lag time. I have to wait 30 seconds, where it used to be instant. My friend turned it off and his notifications went back to being instant again.
First you need to define free speech.
Let’s use Call of duty as an example. People love to think of MW2 lobbies as free speech. Male Gamers used their “free speech” to make any women feel unwelcome the minute they spoke. White Gamers listening for any signs of non-whiteness to ridicule. Was this free speech? Or just a group imposing its views on everyone who stood out on the platform? Activision just wants to sell as many copies as possible. So those Gamers get the boot, now those women and minorities feel the freedom to play and speak again.
If the speech is used as a battering ram to relentlessly berate, shame, silence, and enforce groupthink, then there is a chilling effect on the more truly free speech of others.
Using this logic the only way to have a truly free speech platform is to keep these mobs in check, and remove or limit their hate speech.
The A.i. Pin s. Now in an all alu minium body
The leather link watch band is the most comfortable band I’ve ever used. Amazon still has them for 50$. half what I paid
He came so hard
In a sofa
It looked like, Diet Mountain Deeeeew
I’m not reading anymore of this thread, but go move to the EU and request all the data those companies you mentioned have on you. You will see a truly staggering amount of your day to day info from some of them. Facebook and google are just advertising companies trying to get their thumbs in every pie they can convince enough people to buy into. Part of that is designing their products to require phoning home. The issue isn’t signing in. Signing in is just the trojan horse to make sure every bit of data they pull from you is tied to the right advertising account ID. They shouldn’t be allowed to continue to do that, even if they have enough money to lobby for its legality. Even if every single company on earth was freely doing it to the same degree people should still push for a change.
The business world is truly a slippery slope. Google made unethical digital advertising into a major market, and now even if they close shop somebody else will come fill the gap. The only way to put the power back in people’s hands is to regulate them out of existence but that will never happen if most people don’t even know it’s happening because you can’t even fucking complain about it on the internet without a hundred reply thread jfc
Not separated enough for me. I know all the big companies are bad, but I won’t touch google/fb hardware.
Looting API keys makes way more sense. They must have been stuck using GPT2 to write that incoherent statement.
If you want to make a pie from scratch…
I’m sure there’s plenty of people that make their living (or maybe barely scrape by) off digital art that are affected by this so I can understand some touchiness. I mean why pay $100 for an account avatar or other small commissions when you can generate it yourself in one second. But also, why pay a scribe to copy an entire book by hand when a printing press does it faster? The only difference in these statements is that hand scribe wasn’t a widespread profession 5 years ago.
To me an artist is someone who uses tools to realize their vision. As technology progresses so do the tools. ComfyUI is leagues better of a tool than something like DallE will ever be, but no the entirety of “AI Generated Art” is a sin and must be attacked. Oh, not the corporate zeitgeist heisters, but instead the users of the community driven software.
I really don’t understand this. All these search engine companies give millions of users a single button to create the most soulless art you’ve ever seen, but instead of caring about that they attack the tool that most enables the user to have control over their generation. You can argue that unlimited competition is bad for commission artists, but this attack is not “Pro Art”.
Using creative cloud isn’t a sin, but helping maintain Adobes industry stranglehold should be.
Things have taken a turn since the greenzo days…
I forget where I read it but I think they’re pushing a republican rider with it to “outlaw foreign election money” or something. Which is funny since the biggest election interference I’ve seen was a “newspaper” I got last year, filled with disinfo and sent from Illinois. Probably from the Illinois republican billionaire that spent a boat load of money fighting weed/abortion in a state he doesn’t have any business being in.
Maybe if you take it as written but it will always be enforced unequally. In my rural ass troop there was a very heavy christian implication from scout leaders, and my parents. They didn’t end up forcing me to say it, but it was a very uncomfortable day of adults I was supposed to be able to trust repeatedly pressuring me to publicly announce my belief and helplessness in the face of a fairy tale. Not the only day I was religiously pressured either.
So the iPad line mostly mimics the iPhone line again except the regular iPad and mini are left, unupdated, to become the SE line. the mini was literally all i was interested in seeing updated. I haven’t read much, was the price cut at least? *no it was not
I think I finally isolated my issue with the alarms. It’s CarPlay. It resets my alarm audio to 0% after I disconnect. I just set up an “audio level reset” shortcut that sets alarm volume to 80% and set it to run when CarPlay disconnects.
I would urge the email protocol makers to stop the rampant corporate tracking. Basically every email sender gets your location, ip, and other info when you open it.
I’d bet facebook has a team of marketers working tirelessly to grow their fedi market share so that less informed people think of the fediverse as just a part of threads. They started their own free ISP and half the people that used it ended up thinking Facebook dot com was all there is to the internet. They’ve decided to ruin the fediverse next because by federating, they can see a ton of info about you/your account by default.
I think the FTC should do its fucking job, but until then people should stop these huge companies from getting exactly what they want as much as possible. I see no benefit, but a major threat from a company that spies and creates hordes of ill informed users. Literally they are in the news right now for man in the middling Snapchat data. You think they won’t/haven’t started that kind of thing for fedi? They can’t train their LLMs off Snapchat half as easy as they can here.