Change to Linux on main PC when?
Change to Linux on main PC when?
They are a lot more efficient in their class and might convince some ICE drivers to switch. Their range tends to be quite good. Unfortunately they have drawbacks:
I second this. Drove my Zoe through rain, snow and ice, never had any problem or even thought about with water ingress.
I don’t get it. People are working for free to add a feature to your product which might move more people to buy said product. Make users who use external features acknowledge some waiver that your company is not responsible for damage. If it turns out to be really good, you can fork it, hire the original inventor and turn it into a paid product. Isn’t that a risk-free win? Am I missing something?
… uh, why?
I’m doing my part!
Is there a fediverse alternative yet?
Also, if you are a technical person I urge you to start a blog where you document problems you solve. It’s a great ressource for others and a resumé for you.
I also enjoy shouting “Wololo” at other people’s computers, only to have them boot into Linux unexpectedly.
The only non-infurating way to read reddit. If it’s gone people who didn’t care so far might actually feel inconvenienced and move out.
This is great. It suddenly feels like the internet of 2003 again, with small communities popping up, competition and less of a corporate chokehold. Only this time they have a shared login and crosstalk, which was sorely lacking back then. If we are lucky this event might establish a stable, new part of the internet, which is separate from the consolidated platforms. The Fediverse doesn’t have to replace sites like reddit, just be a next step for people fed up with the corporate net (corponet?).
Welcome to the real world Neo. Don’t take the pill with 777 permissions btw.