I’ve legit never understood it’s appeal. Like what even is the purpose of it?
I’ve legit never understood it’s appeal. Like what even is the purpose of it?
ubuntu is the most widely used distro and very simple to setup and gaming out of the box with steam is very simple. Distro end of the day doesn’t matter all that much because you can change them to your hearts content, but for a beginner, you’d probably have the easiest time with an ubuntu distro.
Doesn’t hurt to have virtual box windows on your linux box just so you can easily do some of that other stuff. While I have done fine with libre office for a long time there are definitely problems with formatting so having a windows VM would just solve that issue. Plus teams and w/e.
Epic games will take some serious tweaking, but not impossible.
google is also spyware… so is facebook while we’re at it and literally ANY OTHER APP YOU PUT ON YOUR PHONE. Ever notice how every single thing has an app? It’s not to make it easy for you to buy stuff from them, it’s so they can utilize your data to make them more money.
lol straight up troll bait. Also funny cause it’s probably people who “believe in freedom and the constitution” who voted in that dumb poll. Somehow we need a nanny state to take over control of the internet… FREEDOOOOMMMM
troll shit… Probably half the voters were trolls too
I’v been using Ubuntu for nearing 20 years now. Maybe like 18ish… It took debian’s rock solidness and made it ez pz. It’s super easy to install and configure and runs like a dream. Has long term stable releases especially important for server architecture. Has the “server” install that is minimal on disk space.
Etc… Just really rock solid distro that I’ve run for decades and has cost me $0 to do so.
I ran red hat till all the cool kids told me it’s got to be Debian and then Ubuntu hit the scene and that was that. I’m sure Arch is fine and I’d bet had I chosen to stick with Red Hat and move to Fedora it’d also be fine. End of the day it’s still Linux.
Brands that don’t buy enough X adds you mean
I love gnome Click activities, go to the screen you want, click the program you want… so simple what you are on about man.
I think the advertising it can do is a perfectly reasonable way to monetize…
Their problem is they want to be some major player and not a “right sized” organization… They want to go public and try to be billionaires and be like elon or zuck, but it’s just not going to be that.
So in their quest for GREED they’ll destroy the very thing that can make them absolute massive amounts of money. It’s crazy how many mega corps have fallen to the same fate.
They should welcome 3rd parties and any other means to see reddit and monetize the advertising… Hell they could even try to work streaming deals with NFL and NBA and whatever… Cowboys games live threads alone have caused the entire reddit website to collapse lol.
SOOO much monetization possibilities in that. And it’s charging billion dollar organizations… not the people that use the service…
Spez is not a good business man
There are still some niche subs that didn’t come to lemmy that I engage in, but I spend more time on Lemmy now than I do on reddit. I think there are probably dozens of us like that. So while I might still show “traffic” I’m not spending near as much time as I did on it and since reddit is trying to go public they wont publish that little fact.
Anyone can buy an article, so I expect to see more of these “everything is just hunky dory at reddit” articles because again they have profit motive.
Meanwhile lemmy grows and grows. Hopefully people continue to engage over here to keep it interesting.
you don’t need to do anything in xorg. just run nvidia-settings and you can move the position of the monitors. It should have installed along with the drivers. If not just install it and should be good to go very common for that to happen. You also didn’t tell us what distro. You might need to go into your distro settings and make sure the monitors are configured properly as well. On ubuntu it’ll default to 60hz and you have to change the settings in there to get the full performance from your monitor. You can also change positions of the monitor in that setting space.
I’m not saying it’s better my point is there is shit loads of that going on since forever. It’s not hurt anything and some people prefer to chat it out because searching can also get you a load of nonsense. Guarantee you got your answer. It’s mostly super niche communities. If properly run they have searchable forums of a FAQ.
Lol dude no. There was practically nothing online back then. I was around back then learning linux and programming. IRC was a great place to go otherwise you had to actually read books and RTFM. The wealth of information that we have today wasn’t even close back when alta vista was something you used. I had a job where I specifically had to search things and input data about it and there were like 5 different search engines offering all manner of different results. It was horrible.
IRC had massive amount of people and chatting with them was helpful. Discord offers that. Your beef is just that it’s not searchable and takes way more engagement for you to try and figure it out.
That’s just one place, but it’s very useful for a lot of people. IRC is still around and decent amounts still use it and have all along. Those communities that decide to be discord are probably so freakin niche that even if you just log in day 1 ask your question it probably gets answered in detail in 2 seconds.
lol dude this is flat out wrong. Being able to ask active communitites things is useful to a lot of people. Have you ever even heard of IRC???
What do you think happened before google had everything indexed?
It’s useful to chat it out with people sometimes especially when you are all collectively centered around a single topic.
I’ve learned mass amounts of things through IRC and often times they don’t just give you the answer they give you clues to help you figure it out.
Discord will be similar for many people. It’s not necessary to archive every last bit of information. It’s OK to talk to real people who enjoy talking about said topic and letting them guide you real time.
I think it’s an early day sorta problem you are looking at. From the reddit point of view. r/technology just sorta became the default, but there are other tech news subs for sure.
Early reddit there were probably 100s of them and then everyone just found /r/technology and that’s where you can get the most engagement.
I do think lemmy will need a way to create your own multi-community subs. So you can quickly click on your “tech” tree and see all the tech subs you’ve subscribed to.
behaw defederating though could cause issues, but I’d think over time that’ll sort itself out as well.
End of the day people will settle into communities and eventually there will probably be a main tech place and that’ll just be where you go. Just going to take some time for people to sort through it.
There are a lot of people on reddit that just post for karma or w/e reasons so we definitely have less content because we have less bots. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not… I’d also imagin eventually we’ll have plenty of bots.
This is so stupid. If we are going to regulate social media companies it needs to be done at the national level. I’d say their age should be voluntary and if it’s a minor then yeah the algorithms should be cognizant of that. But that needs to be a national bill.
I do hope that these social media companies respond by just shutting down in these states. Even as someone who is unfortunate enough to live in Texas.
Hopefully they use their ridiculous amount of power to show Texas legislators who is actually in charge.
You might consider buying a cheap 7" tablet on Amazon and using that for your dji. Assuming your controller can handle the size. I have an older dji and that’s what I do. Nothing of importance on the tablet. I think a Lenovo 7" was like $99 when I got it.
Need some bots to start porting all those posts over to Lemmy lol.
i like it and can totally abandon reddit for it assuming people continue to show up and like all my tiny little niche communities pop up. I do feel like it’s a bit confusing at first as far as finding communities and connecting to them all so some work there would probably go a long way.
basically when there is a community for stock tank pools specifically and has 2,000 subscribers we’re in the money lol
it’s also really stupid considering the liberal cites are literally what MAKES Texas. There’s mass amounts of population in rural areas that just flat don’t vote. If everyone voted in TX it’s be blue as fuck.
Either way when the cities themselves lose all the workers that high paying jobs need the cities start to fall and the revenue for the state will follow.
Literal idiots that just think the oilfield will go on forever and nothing else will matter