Trained on 99% reposts
Trained on 99% reposts
It’s not a 1st amendment argument
I’m making fun of Elon “free speech absolutist” Musk
I didn’t know free speech could cost a $1
“But he is all about free speech”
lol now that statement is wrong two ways
Wait, but isn’t that what CEOs do?
“Funding awful people doesn’t make me awful” Say sike right now
you like baked in ads, crypto, falsely using people to promote your browser… oof
I would much rather eat pizza than have cookies, cookies are nice (but your data gets sold)
We probably want it, but can get more with another
Kind of like they support this because they want to stop or slow down a more broad bill from passing in the near future
You agreed to the terms of the lisence (Ofc they still don’t have full control in actual legal sense, they just have it written like that so they have their freedom to choose and they might not have to provide much of a reason)
The line is wherever the company wants it like in most things because people don’t have any power (especially willpower to boycott)
I love how nintendo every couple months creates a big hassle by taking down or claiming videos and other content related to their IP and then a month later Nintendo hits a new sales record
Companies have free reign as long as people keep giving them money because no one is going to sue over a lost copy of assassin’s greed
something like: “we can revoke a lisence at any time for any reason” buried in the EULA
Many people don’t think about stuff like that, they would rather ignore or stay unaware and keep buying 2€ shirts
The only way to hit those price points is with slavery or “child labor” aka slavery kids edition
I mean how do these people survive on reddit if they can search but can’t click on a big number
Basically the same thing exists on reddit, the names are just slightly different And then there are things like anime tits being a news sub, how is anyone going to search for that on reddit
ClosedOffAI I would love to see the AI learning things the government tries to hide
I love how almost everyone hated Facebook as a company, they change to Meta and people continue to hate it and everyone is downloading their new app now
Companies can do whatever they want as long as they keep going
Me using youtube daily, to learn things (I enjoy engineering and educational content) I also use it to sleep with the help of ASMR
Ads during ASMR is going to ruin it, good thing ReVanced exists
Karma is important? The only “use” for it is to do what? users farm it so adding karma or something similar would just make this place worse
It is one of the simplest ones to play games on
Abortions are prebirth, so should guns