Are you in a warm country? My Pixel 7 never overheats. It’s gotten warm before, sure, but never overheated.
My name’s Danny and I like biscuits.
Are you in a warm country? My Pixel 7 never overheats. It’s gotten warm before, sure, but never overheated.
This. An easy one-handed phone that I can flip or unfold into a larger screen for media/games/extra-curricular. Can’t wait for this inevitable future.
for when you don’t host your own server but you use theirs
Considering this service would be used predominantly for pirated games, I imagine they’re not willing to open that can of worms.
Clearly not enough, if they’re desperate enough to lock client-side features behind a subscription.
can access files under Downloads
Wait, you can access local files on your phone’s storage in the VM now? Is that a new addition? On the Android 15 version of this, you don’t have any local access at all.
Android ‘journalism’ has been dead for years now. Nothing but engagement-bait, inconsequential articles like this, and “sneak peaks” into unannounced features that may never see the light of day (remember when Mishaal Rahman revealed that Google was working on making Pixel phones work as a dash cam video recorder? never saw the light of day).
It shouldn’t be too long now before the EU implements its regulation that requires phone batteries to be “easily replaceable with simple, easy to access tools”, right?
That’s going to be monumental for the lifespan of these devices, especially as phones get software support for longer and longer these days.
This would kill creativity.
Please learn some facts about how the CMA operates before discounting it.
The CMA is independent from the government - it does not have a minister calling the shots.
The encryption stuff is coming from the Home Office, which is directly government controlled.
The CMA and the Home Office aren’t working together at all - they don’t even share an office.
This is not “the government” saying this. It’s the independent competition and markets regulator known as the CMA which, whilst publicly funded, isn’t run by the government.
It’s such a bizarrely American view to restrict people’s access to healthcare… I guess the US will never get free healthcare if healthcare is still seen as a privilege and not a right.
Everybody who gets vaccinated is documented as having gotten vaccinated, no?
So why can’t hospitals check the record and confirm that patients have been vaccinated? If they have, then everything’s fine. If they couldn’t get vaccinated for legitimate reasons, that’d be documented too.
The point is to ensure as many people are vaccinated as possible, not to prove a point about the efficacy of vaccines.
That said, I dislike the idea of healthcare being able to pick and choose, for any reason, not to treat someone. Then again I live in a sane country with free healthcare.
This update seems to have made the UI darker throughout the entire interface. I suspect it’s enabled HDR throughout, but I’m not sure if that’s an improvement to be honest.
Does anybody have any insight into how CcwGTV is meant to handle dynamic range?
I was hoping the Google TV Streamer would be the ultimate Shield TV replacement, but alas…
Maybe Nvidia will surprise us after the Switch 2 finally releases?
I wish we’d have a phone with the specs of the 10 Pro but in the size of a Pixel 5, personally!
Yeah. I wonder how they intend to differentiate the Pro from the base model going forward? More AI features…?
I think they’re referring to the fact that you no longer can create accounts without using an email address. You were able to use a UI loophole to do it before via Old Reddit, but no more.
Praying for Smarttube
Well, yeah. Obviously.
Well right now it’s still just a VM and whilst you have root access you can’t access anything on your phone as it appears to be sandboxed. Not sure about camera access.
But yeah, in theory you could use an old Android phone instead of buying a raspberry pi, for any little side project. Ideally Google adds a way to enable the VM at boot as right now you can’t do that.
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