Install pacman-contrib
, this gives you access to pacdiff
which goes through all your pacnew files allowing you to see diffs of the changes and giving you different options to deal with them.
Install pacman-contrib
, this gives you access to pacdiff
which goes through all your pacnew files allowing you to see diffs of the changes and giving you different options to deal with them.
Unfortunately Mozilla doesn’t seem to be opposed to the attribution, only the implementation. They have their own proposal called IPA:
Also, the reason people throw out the 90% figure is because that’s about what it was at the time. Granted most of the rich still managed to only pay ~70%.
Here’s a couple jumping points: Historical chart, US tax history on Wikipedia
One more try. I sure hope you don’t have notifications enabled for all replies…
Edit: well now I’m stumped
UTC now. Am I still the ghost of federation’s past?
Edit: seems so?
I had it set to localtime instead of UTC, which for me is -5 hours. Caused me a bit of grief earlier today after making a new post that started out already five hours old!
It seems like a real pickle though. What if I set my time to a year in the future and make a post? Would that post stay at the top of new all year? I guess lemmy should use the received date rather than what is sent but that could be problematic when things are bogged down or having federation issues.
@danQuix0te sorry, I shouldn’t have deleted my comment. Still trying to get the time thing sorted out.
Offtopic, but I really like the Atkinson Hyperlegible font and I’m glad to see it being used here!
The link mentions that it is only ran as part of a debian or RPM package build. Not to mention that on Arch sshd is not linked against liblzma anyways.