That’s the thing. It’s a comment on maturity, not literal age.
That’s the thing. It’s a comment on maturity, not literal age.
What are you talking about?
most of them are not kids
How is that not a point? Lol.
the fact that you don’t seem to comprehend that makes me sure you have brain problems.
Ahh, you must be mad because I called out ellipses as a tool for smug idiots who don’t know what they’re talking about.
Right. Using/writing, my point still stands that most of them are not kids. It’s just an insult because it doesn’t require much effort, but has nothing to do with youth.
Nice ellipses, though. Makes me know you’re not really worth listening to.
But that’s why it’s misleading.
Most of the people writing these scripts to exploit known vulnerabilities are not young. It’s just an insult to people who write scripts.
Why are script kiddies always, kids?
Not a single child I knew growing up knew how to program.
Yeah, the only reason you’re in a position to do that is because so many others are not.
Also, it’s faster to stream something for free here https://fmoviesz.to/ than to add credit card information and create a new account for each streaming service that has something you want to see.
Like I said, people with more money than sense.
Usually people with more money than sense.
I haven’t seen a single intelligent person that knows their way around a computer subscribing to disney plus.
I think they gave up after netflix went to shit and just started torrenting/streaming.
It never ended for those with brains.
Why pay for something you can get for free? Lol.
Unless you’re a sucker.
You can stream pretty much anything for free here: https://fmoviesz.to/
Just make sure you have uBlock Origin installed.
If you ever have issues, do an internet search for “free streaming sites reddit” and try one of those.
Amazon has the money to vet its products and provide better search results, it just chooses not to because it doesn’t need to.
Better to shove a shitty, expensive product in customer’s faces than a cheap, standard one.
Page 2 is never a safe place to be.
Amazon fails because its so expansive, but customer’s expectations aren’t high enough for Amazon to maintain that breadth.
Amazon has the money to vet its products and provide better search results, it just chooses not to because it doesn’t need to.
Better to shove a shitty, expensive product in customer’s faces than a cheap, standard one.
Totally agree. Let’s leave the sensationalization for that other site.
People like to have a consolidated way to do things, if they can.
I just use Walmart+ now.
Better for groceries, but they don’t sell wrapping papers :(
I would listen to you, but I was using my previous phone for 5 years and noticed no degradation in battery life. I only upgraded to this one because it was free.
Sorry man, maybe you’re right and time will tell. But we’ll just have to wait and see. This phone has a significantly larger battery, too.
I think it’s weird to get enthusiastic abount something and then bored with it in two years.
If it was worth getting enthusiastic about, wouldn’t it last me longer? Lol.
Peak is definitely not true, but there is no point in upgrading for the foreseeable future.
I hope my phone lasts me decades. I don’t really see it being incapable of doing what I need it to unless we radically change how we use our phones.
I’m sure people have felt the same way about PCs, too. Ever since Sandy Bridge, there hasn’t really been a reason for most PC users to upgrade unless they were gaming or did some other CPU-intensive task.
I got my phone for free, thankfully, from Visible. They were going to make me upgrade, but I never did and they just decided to send me a new phone instead.
First time I’ve gotten a new phone for free since I was a kid.
Lol, what?
First of all, leave the derogatory terms at home. All it does is make you look unreasonable and illogical, just like using smug ellipses.
Err… my entire point from the beginning has been focused on the term ‘kiddies.’
Lol. You seem unreasonably upset for no apparent reason. I’m gonna block you now.
Have a nice life, kid.