You can’t put too much water in a nuclear reactor
You can’t put too much water in a nuclear reactor
It’s GPLv3-licensed and they have some pretty easy documented steps for self hosting. Their github page is linked in the article.The per-user cost is for a hosted solution. Which isn’t to say they’re not going to pull something shitty in the future.
Have you looked at netdata? It’s super easy to be up and running quickly.
They’ve moved on to specific platforms, not open standards. Ultimately, that’s not a good thing. Like when Twitter effectively replaced RSS for a lot of use cases.
Are you applying to work for petulant teenagers?
except Sci-hub hasn’t been adding new papers since 2020. Anna’s Archive is a better bet, because they aggregate both sci-hub and libgen, among others. They also make torrents available for data hoarders. Their torrents total over 600 TB at this point, but include books in addition to articles.
except Sci-hub hasn’t been adding new papers since 2020. Anna’s Archive is a better bet, because they aggregate both sci-hub and libgen, among others. They also make torrents available for data hoarders.
Too bad. I was hoping to get some hot stock tips.
23rd century?
What is the second browser from the bottom on the right?
Yeah, but they were testing the waters with this one. The hydra’s going to grow another head eventually. It’ll be interesting to see how/if the media integrity API gets leveraged in the Android Chrome browser. They’re eventually going to attack this problem from a slightly different angle.
True. But it still amounts to them refusing to sell his audio. If you want to be pedantic, Amazon doesn’t sell ebooks or audiobooks at all. They sell licenses to access the content. You can argue that Doctorow should be saying that he refuses to market his content in accordance with their policies. But I’m in favor of him framing it this way. It underscores who the real shitheels are here.
Your library may also have streaming services like Kanopy and Hoopla