This was great, thanks for posting!
This was great, thanks for posting!
I don’t know why, but I just felt the urge to go have a look at r/conservatives. It’s exactly what you imagine. Dear oh dear
No, no, the immigrants are eating the dogs, didn’t you know? He saw it on TV
Uh yeah… Some did say things to that effect.
And there are other behaviours that can demonstrate that mindset.
But thank you for mansplaining my lived experience, champ. Couldn’t have navigated that one with my pea sized, woman’s brain.
I go through life making snap judgements of people I hire and don’t at all try to find common ground or empathise with their position, because I love pissing money up the wall and endless recruitment processes. Just floats my boat, you know
Used to work in digital design. By pure happenstance the foundational initial team on a major project was all women and we recognised that wasn’t a good balance in terms of external perception but also in terms of getting different perspectives on design approaches.
We managed to recruit some great blokes, but they were hard to find. So many of the new dudes didn’t work out because it was so obvious how inferior they perceived us women to be. Very few of them had the skills to warrant any level of arrogance, let alone full blown superiority complex.
It was disappointing.
Wounds heal poorly for smokers. People who smoke after getting a tooth extraction can get dry socket.
I know someone who ate some rancid food, and was subsequently very, very unwell because they literally couldn’t taste or smell that it was off.
It affects your cardiovascular health so good luck outrunning danger.
Everything is worse if you smoke, in real time and in terms of what it does to your body’s ability to heal or respond to trauma.
Don’t smoke. And if you do, try and quit.
In the, admittedly terrible, movie Moonfall (2022) they use his tech and one of the main characters keeps saying things like “God I love Elon”. I guess it was under development in years previous but we long knew that he was a babyish edgelord (see behaviour over the rescue of the Thai soccer team in 2018).
Seems shortsighted to make him such a focus.
Dude, he remembers things being hot in hot places. I don’t know why we even measure things and keep records. This bloke just remembers!
Sounds perfectly cromulent.
Fair to middling?
I’m absolutely spiffing, thanks for asking! Yourself?
Are you ok
Same? I’m really confused which ads they’re taking about
‘so weird, my permissions were fine before and now they’re gone? Can you give me access again? Ah fuck, all my work didn’t save either… Gonna need another week.’
Niche?? Shit man, go outside some time.
Yep. My school years predate social media and mobile phones were pre smartphones. Shit cameras etc.
but the rumour mill was vicious and damaging. Very hard to prove the truth when the lie is so salacious. The more you denied it the more it seemed true.
These poor kids. How do they defend against this shit.
There’s some recruitment company advertising jobs on LinkedIn. All the pictures are clearly AI generated and they’re terrifying. Uncanny Valley freaks grinning at you from your screen.
just things Nazis say
Fucking hell, mate. Go measure your own skull and leave everyone else alone.
Mm dunno if you ever read the qanon casualties posts on Reddit. There’s no discussing or reasoning with the people who have fallen prey to believing this shit. And if often leads to financial ruin. Blocking access to those sites is, for many, like taking the car keys away from an elderly parent who will only hurt themselves and others if you don’t intervene.
Sportsball is kinda a shit term - you don’t have to like sports and yes society venerates it over far more important achievements/pursuits, but it’s a bit childish to refer to it in that way.
My theory is that a lot of that kind of poor behaviour is generally from men who have grown up with the toxic masculinity traits of believing that sad is bad, angry is manly. I’ve seen people openly weep over the outcomes of a game - I think these people are feeling the same emotions but haven’t been given the societal permission to express it in its true form. So they do angry instead. It’s not acceptable at all but that’s what I think the reason is.