You vote with your wallets. Each time you buy a phone without SD cart, you are submitting a ballot.
Seriously. phones are 99% identical anyways. It’s not so hard to filter for the 2-3 criteria you actually care about.
You vote with your wallets. Each time you buy a phone without SD cart, you are submitting a ballot.
Seriously. phones are 99% identical anyways. It’s not so hard to filter for the 2-3 criteria you actually care about.
oh nice. If this trend continues, they will be by 4 million tommorrow and 20 million next week and by summer every human on earth will have an account.
haptics of a button means that you can keep your focus on the street while pressing a button.
As opposed to Threads stealing all brands companies and users anyway?
The extend-phase is when people migrate to threads, who would have stayed otherwise.
the general strategie is called “embrace, extend, extinguish”. This strat is the reason, why everyone uses MS Office today
but if for whatever reason your OS got borked and it took you more than a certain amount of hours to recover, you’d switch to Windows.
do you also count the time spent on arcane windows issues?
here is a tool, that helps with making secure passwords, that respect all the current and former best practices https://neal.fun/password-game/
do banking apps work on it again?
Google allows (and has) numerous third-party app stores on their devices,
to be clear: you don’t think, that google has a monopoly on android apps?
Laws are changing in your region, so we’re introducinga new choice about how we use your info for ads.
Which law?
tldr: there are some legitimate use cases. But not in the first world. And they are unrelated to what crypt-bros are trying to sell.
disclaimer 1: the javascript for the comments is really bad and may freeze your browser
disclaimer 2: while the ideas in the article are interesting, they are flawed (or at least debatable). See comment-section for details.
how they fool the AI while keeping it invisible to the human eye
My guess is that AI companies will try to scrape as much as possible without a human ever looking at the data.
When poisoned data start to become enough of a problem, that humans have to look over very sample, then this would increase training cost to to a point where it’s no longer worth to bother with it in the first place.
The amount of potential targets is NOT a limiting factor for the hate mob. There will not be more hate mobs as a result of more transparency.
how would that situation have played out without capitalism?
I generally agree with subscriptions. “if you’re not paying for the product, you are the product”.
But there are better platforms to support with your money. Youtubes main selling point was that it was free. Now that it is not, it’s a good time to look into paid alternatives. For music I am already using bandcamp and spotify. For general documentaries I plan to switch to Nebula/CuriosityStream (I planned this for some time now, but I this may be the nail in the coffin)
such as?
Brave words divorced from reality. 🤡
How would you estimate the likelyhood of kagi going the way you describe?
I guess you get what you pay for then lol
this doesn’t sound true.
iirc full spectrum means “every wavelength” (like sunlight) and not just “3 wavelengths that add up to white”.