prioritized passenger traffic over freight
Technically that’s already the law. But freight lines don’t care because the law isn’t enforced
prioritized passenger traffic over freight
Technically that’s already the law. But freight lines don’t care because the law isn’t enforced
Tailwind is my go-to these days
The same reason you don’t carry a camera, a music player, a phone, etc as separate devices in your pocket. Because it’s wildly inconvenient and super frustrating to swap between them. For diabetics in this case, you generally have two separate companies making the pump and the glucose monitor. So at that point you are carrying a phone around, a monitor for your glucose levels, and a controller for your pump. That’s three devices that you need to keep charged and on your person at all times. Not to mention they are generally not slim and sleek and easy to pocket.
The ability to swap between these from a single device and the mental offload that brings can’t be overstated.
That being said, people that use medical services on their phones should not do OS upgrades until they are notified by their makers to be verified and working and should be heavily tested before any updates go out.
The Nvidia shield is the android tv with google play services. It would be your drop in replacement for the Panasonic interface you are currently using.
I mean I definitely travel with more than one, but it’s nice knowing that I don’t have to worry about forgetting to pack a specific charger for that one specific thing and only realizing it when it’s too late.
Your monitor might not be supplying your laptop with power, but that doesn’t mean it can’t do it. If it can output to a display, then it is a thunderbolt port and can definitely charge it.
Yeah you might be the only one. Btw your laptop can also charge over USB-C instead of the barrel jack.
You could buy one high powered usb charger and attach a USBC to lighting adapter to the end of it and you’ll only have to carry one charger when traveling.
Loose could really be tightened up if it could just lose one of those Os